"Now the way this works, is that every week we'll give out a topic, let it be a word or two or a full sentence and we'll let a number of people up to the stage. Now this doesn't limit what you're going to present to us." That caught Hanni's attention as she reverted her focus on the stage as she's closing her book.

"We're not limiting to only poems, if there's some words you've been keeping to yourself, or maybe just your instant thoughts and feelings, pour it out with this mic. And the great thing about this is that, this will be a free judgement zone. We're not here to judge anyone, we're here because we're doing what we all cherish and that's literature"

"So without further ado, today's topic is 'forgotten memories'. We'll have ten to fifteen minutes before we officially kick off our poetic talk stage." The president walked away from the microphone as the audience immediately started constructing their masterpieces. Some do it in form of written words, some have it on their phones and some only uses their head.

Despite being silent, your mind's not. You've been thinking of some words that reflected the topic given but not to the point of making it up to the stage and deliver a great piece, just random words and thoughts. 

"Now ladies and gentlemen..." The president got back to the microphone. "The stage is yours." After a round of applause, the microphone was left open and one by one, students came onto the stage and delivered their pieces.

Your eyes remained on the stage, ears hearing every single poem, every single words, taking it in deep into your sentimental self.

"I'm amazed at these people that's going on that stage, the amount of confidence some of them have..." Hanni whispered to you as you listened while remained focus on the stage as well. "...to instantly thought of making a poem with just a few minutes."

"Yeah, I wish I can be as good as some of them." You whispered as she just nudged your arm and you reverted to her. "You are a good poet alright? Don't bring yourself down like that."

"I'm not, it's probably my own self esteem so I can't really help it" You whispered to yourself.

Times flew by fast as it's already the final turn for a chance to be in front of the microphone. "We'll get one more person up here then we can conclude this week's stage. Any takers?" You're looking around the crowd for raised hands but none have done so.

Deep down you're interested.

"Do you want to give it a go?" Hanni nudged your arm slightly as you faced her. "I won't judge, neither will these people. I'll be you biggest supporter. If you're nervous just lock your eyes on me." Hanni whispered with a smile.

Seeing her smile gave you this boost in confidence as you raised your hand and got the final slot. "Yes we have our final poet for today."

You made your way up the stage, obviously nervous but your eyes immediately looked at Hanni who's cheering for you silently with her hands.

You took a deep breath in and heaved quickly before getting closer to the microphone.

"I have no fancy poem to share today." You immediately closed your eyes as you took the microphone from its stand. "Just some words I've been thinking about these past few minutes. And I hope it'll do our topic today justice."

"It feels like our time has stopped
Doesn't anything last forever in this world?
When time passes, will you remember me?
Don't forget about me

They say you only know how good it was once it's gone
I didn't understand that till I lost something
I hope you remember everything because
it's too beautiful to just throw away.
I hope you're happy because I was happy through you.

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