Rain spell

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They didn't have every class together. All of their basic classes like English, psychology, or math Rei made sure they shared those. But Shougo was here for music and entertainment degree. Rei was taking classes for business and management. Therefore they had to separate. Shougo kissed Rei's palm before hurrying off into the mass of swirling bodies.

Rei felt slightly despondent as he walked to his next class. Once it got started, he felt like this was going to be a good thing for him. The teacher was cute, energetic with a deep voice that would make anyone swoon. Rei was more excited now.

He walked out of his last lecture, stopping to take the time to shake the professors hands. They were strong, he had a firm grip. Rei smiled at this as he headed down to the common area. Walking out into the late summer sunshine, he drew in a deep breath. It smelled like rain. He smiled. He always loved the rain.

Recalling the days as a child his mother would be out, leaving him home alone. Rei would often curl up in a chair beside the window when it rained. Reading and watching the rain slip along the glass made him feel safe. Plus the TV hardly ever worked, mother always forgot to pay the bills!

Rei heard his name called. Expecting it to be Shougo, he turned slowly toward the direction it came from. He froze. Standing in the center of the walk way was a man Rei had hopped to never see again.

He was tall, well built, with a scar that ran from just under his hair line, jaggedly down his left cheek, to vanish in the collar of his pressed white shirt. The eyes were still as dark as he recalled. Yet now they held a life in them Rei was shocked to see.

"Tenai?" Rei whispered the name.

The man lunged forward as Rei instinctively flinched back. He grabbed Rei's arm dragging him toward a side building.

"Not here." He hissed.

For some reason, Rei actually followed him. Not even he could figure that one out. Rei was the reason the man had that scar. Tenia was the reason Rei nearly died the night Seiya found him. Their relationship had been nothing but abusive from the moment they met.

Rei was turned, gently for Tenia, to lean against the building. The man before him let him go. Running a hand through his short dark hair, he eyed Rei with a mixture of fear, wonder and maybe just a little excitement.

"I gave it up." Tenia whispered.

"What?" Rei questioned still trying to make sense out of this whole situation.

"All of it, everything. I'm no longer in the business. Why are you here?" he muttered then even lower he whispered.

"How are you alive?"

"You thought you killed me, so you what? Went straight?" Rei looked shocked.

The feelings bubbling up inside him were uncommon for him. He had loved this man, or appeared to at one point in his life. Yet they were so far beyond toxic for each other it wasn't funny. He recalled making love to Tenia while he bled from the cut on his face. It was fast, hard and furious, just like Tenia had always been.

"Yeah." Rei hardly heard the whispered word.

They stood looking at each other. Rei's eyes drifted to Tenia's lips. Tenia, wither he was aware of it or not, took that moment to moisten them with his tongue. Rei looked away.

"In fact I went straight in a lot of ways. I'm married now. Wife's pregnant with our second." Tenia smirked.

"Re, really. Um congrats." Rei muttered.

"Also, um, don't call me Tenia any more. I um, I left Japan, came here to change everything about myself. In fact I took your name."

Rei blinked. "What?" he whispered.

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