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It was a month later, that Rei found himself standing outside Seiya's office. He was looking down at his phone. Already he had returned to the video calls, text or sometime late night phone calls with Shougo. He was responding to a quick text from the teen as he waited for entrance into the office.

"Rei, please come inside." Seiya smiled warmly.

Rei tucked the phone away after he hit send. He walked in. They were almost done for the day. Rei was looking forward to the long weekend. It would be just him and Izumi. The older Senya's were going off together on some commercial shoot.

"You know we have the commercial to shoot this weekend ..." Seiya began.

"Yes, for happy couple magazine." Rei nodded pushing up his glasses.

"Right." Seiya beamed at him.

Rei shuffled his feet under the obvious joy his knowledge gave his boss. Seiya turned, still grinning he sat down behind his desk. Beaconing Rei forward, he held out a sheet of printer paper. Rei accepted it.

"I received this just a moment ago." Seiya sat back as Rei's eyes scanned the paper.

There was an issue with some props they had sent to a theater in London. The writer hadn't been able to pinpoint exactly what was going on with the items they had sent. Rei frowned. This was ludicrous! He knew he sent working props. He had even attached very detailed orders on how to put them together or use them.

"I don't understand..." Rei tried to hide his growing anger at the incompetence of the people in London.

"Well, someone needs to go sort that out." Seiya insisted.

"With Nagisa and I already having this commitment..." He smiled over his desk at the younger male. Steepling his fingers he leaned forward to regard Rei with a knowing look.

"But, Izumi...?" Rei breathed out.

"Well, obviously..." Seiya leaned back waving one hand, as he crossed his legs. "... he is too young to be left alone. He will come along with Nagisa and I." Seiya stated.

"Then, you want..." Rei's mind raced ahead. Shougo was in London!

Seiya was holding out another paper. "Your arrangements have all been made. Here is your flight ticket, your hotel accommodations and a sizeable amount for any food or drink you may need." He beamed happily.

"You should hurry, your flight leaves in three hours." He offered as Rei took the papers, yet still stood there stunned.

"Oh, uh, ye, yes sir!" He clutched his brief case tightly with one hand as he placed the papers within it. Adjusting his glasses one last time, he bowed to his boss.

The car was waiting to take him back to the Senya household. Izumi was in his room. Rei walked swiftly past his half open door to reach his own room. Before he began to pack a quick overnight bag, he sent a single text.

"I'm coming to London, alone." He added the flight information before hitting send.

Spinning around he tossed in some clothes, essentials a book to read along the way, before zipping the bag closed. He closed his door walking down toward Izumi's room. As he neared it he heard voices.

"Rei needs to go away to help your father with some business." Nagisa was telling her youngest son.

Rei lightly knocked on the door. Izumi looked up at him with sad betrayed eyes. Rei set down his bag. He walked over to kneel before the boy.

"I won't be gone long. I will bring you back a surprise." He offered rubbing the boy's arms.

"You're going to see Shougo?" Izumi asked.

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