3:New beginnings

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M/n started his way up the ladder just after he had said goodbye to all his brothers. He made his way to the very top just slightly out of breath. Now in the streets of New York, M/n looked around taking in all his surroundings. He was so excited to finally be able to do something on his own, to prove to his brothers that he can do the things they can. Even with all this excitement running through the ecstatic little boy, he couldn't shake the strange uneasy feeling that was slowly eating away at his enthusiasm.

As he continued to walk through ally's and turn corners the feeling only got worse. M/n anxiously continued his journey until he saw it, the convenience store, all bright and lit up. He pushed the slightly run down door open, causing a loud creak to echo throughout the small shop. This made the young boy's mind race even faster as the store clerk stared at him with a slight hint of annoyance.

Now all M/n needed to do was retrieve the snacks that his brothers had asked for. He walked into the snack isle and with shaking hands grabbed some Pretzels, lays, sour patch kids, and m&ms. All M/n needed now was some soda, but as he walked towards the drink isle he suddenly stopped.

The horrid creak echoed through the shop once more, letting in 2 strange men. They both had orange Foot prints on they're faces, one was enormous and muscular while the other was short and skinny. The uneasy feeling is now the only feeling M/n knows. His mind screaming at him to drop all the food and run straight back to the warm and comforting sewers that he called home.

Though as nice as that escape sounded M/n knew that if he came back crying and scared it would only prove that he was weak and needed to be babied.

With all these thoughts swirling through his little mind he didn't notice the 2 unnerving men slowly creeping towards him. He was staring down the drink isle, lost in his own mind as his thoughts were being pulled in a million different directions. When M/n noticed the two men were now directly next to him, he had enough.

M/n dropped all of the snacks that had been piled up in his arms and he sprinted out the door. He didn't know why he was so scared, those men could've been anyone, but something about them gave M/n a gut wrenching feeling. M/n made the grave mistake of looking back to see if anyone was following him. When he looked back he saw the two men. His eyes widened in shock as he realized he was being chased. While he was running as fast as he could, he was so distracted by the people following him he didn't notice the mettle pull he was hurling towards.

M/n's high speed came to a halt when he smacked into a tall mettle pull. He fell to the ground stunned by his abrupt stop. He lifted his hand to his head as pain was shooting through his skull. M/n, remembering he was being chased scrambled to lift himself back up and on his feet. As he stood up, very disoriented from his recent collision he began a slow jog, which quickly turned into a wobbly, unstable run.

The two men were getting closer to M/n by the second, do to the young boy's accident.

M/n was so close, so close to the man hole that led to safety, his home. The men were right on his tail. Home is so close, just one more turn. He was going to make it. He was so sure of it, that was until he stumbled letting his arm flail behind him to stabilize himself, therefore letting the Skinny frail man grab his arm. M/n atempted to continue running, not fully aware his arm had been caught. He was suddenly brought the reality of situation when his arm was yanked harshly, causing his run an abrupt end. M/n struggled trying to pry his arm away from the "foot-faced man".
The man then placed a cloth, smelling of sweets and chemicals, over M/n's nose and mouth, making the boy fall unconscious.
M/n woke up in a small prison-like cell. Everything was blurry and inky splotches covered his vision as his head hurt like hell. Panic setting as he realized he wasn't at home and that his brothers were nowhere to be seen. The two men that had caught him earlier walked um to the cell he was in.

"Where am I?!!!" M/n yelled fearfully. " Oh little boy, no need to fear" the Skinny man paused, thinking of what to say next " you're right where you belong" the man then gave M/n an eerie smile and the two men walk off, leaving the scared little boy alone in the dark cage like cell.

The young boy felt tears pricking his eyes. All he wanted was to prove he was capable, that he could manage tasks as simple as retrieving snacks for movie night. He now yearned for the beautiful drawings that Mikey would make him when he was sad, the terrible jokes Leo would tell him if he was ever scared. The young boy craved Raph's brotherly, speeches that were always filled to the brim with love and reassurance, Donnie's silly attempts at comforting that would always make him laugh. He desperately needed his father's warm embrace that would make him sleepy. Instead M/n was left with the cold, unforgiving concrete floor. The tears welling up in his eyes overflowed, spilling down his cheeks and wetting the floor below him. He curled into himself as his soft cries turned into heart wrenching sobs.

M/n cried and cried until no more tears would come out. He desperately looked for an escape, a way to get back home. He hoped and prayed his brothers would somehow find him. Yet to no avail M/n gave up letting the sorrowful thoughts take over. He laid down on the cold concrete floor and fell into a restless sleep, full of nightmares and terrifying thoughts. He dreamt that he was back in the streets running from the men, although this time he decided to turn around and fight them , the men shot and threw punches at him. But instead of fighting back M/n dodged them all, moving swiftly back and forth, making sure to not be hit, as he had always been faster than strong. Although he turned around to see his brothers, he was excited to see them, excited to show off his agility and skills, excited to prove that he was capable too. He was too distracted by his brothers to notice a giant punch coming his way. He attempted to dodge it but he was too late, the punch hit him and he went flying, flying faster, farther until he was falling. Falling? Falling where? Down? Up? Right? Left? He couldn't feel himself, he was numb, all he could see was darkness. Darkness , everywhere, all he could hear was darkness, all he could feel was dar-
He jolted up breathing heavily, he grabbed head which still hurt like hell, a feeling he would probably have to get used to. He sighed in relief as he realized it was only a dream, his sweet relief soon came to an end as he realized he was still in that horrid cell.

He layes his head backdown, his situation finally sinking in. He was kidnapped.

Wow that was...a chapter that's for sure. I realized the whole "darkness" thing sounded really emo a little too late lol. I hope this was decent enough. Sorry for not posting for awhile I've been pretty busy. Byeee

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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