2: "Everything good comes to an end eventually"

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It had been 8 years since Hamato Yoshi found an interesting Baby boy with the most astonishing eyes he'd ever seen.

M/n had settled into the sewers which he called home since that's all he ever knew. He grew up with his four reptilian brother's and now they were all "big" and "strong", or at least that's what M/n thought. Raph was now 13, Leo and Donnie 12, Mikey 10, and last but definitely not least, M/n at age 9.

M/N loved his four brothers with his whole heart. Even though he wasn't as green and "turtle like" as them he never felt out of place around his brothers.

Mikey and M/n had especially become close throughout the years. They would do everything together, they were inseparable. M/n was shy and quiet around everyone except his brothers and Splinter. He loved music as much as his little 9 year-old heart could handle. Although he couldn't play any instruments, as long as he had his headphones he would be ok. Being the youngest, M/N was always trying to amount to his older brothers. He would do everything that they would even when it would sometimes lead to him getting hurt or lost, In his mind he had to prove that even as the youngest he could still do everything they could. Mikey took much pride in being M/n's older brother, he always tried his best to take care of M/n since he is his only younger brother after all. Mikey was outgoing, caring, and very energetic. He cared very much about his brothers feelings making sure no one ever felt left out or upset. He always knew exactly how to cheer M/n up and never let him feel out of place for being the youngest or the only human. Mikey gave M/n a kind of confidence that he couldn't explain, a certain feeling that everything would be alright as long as they were together.

As for Leo and Donnie they were classic, teasing, smart aleck, older brothers, at least most of the time. Leo had quite the ego for his age. He just loved to mess with his brothers, although he would rarely target M/n, said being that M/n was usually teasing alongside Leo. Let's just say they made quite the duo. Donnie was less teasing but more just shocked at how "dumb" his brothers were.  He was always correcting them and being a so called "Smart Aleck" as M/n said, a term Donnie had ironically taught him. Donnie's smarts always impressed M/n as much as it annoyed him, but M/n would never let up an opportunity too listen to Donnie rant and spout random "fun facts", as it fascinated the young boy.

Raph, being 4 years older than    M/n, was very protective over him. He loved his baby brother with all his heart so of course he couldn't let anything bad happen to him. Even though M/n knew Raph was just worried over his safety it still was very annoying to him, as he "needed" to prove that he was just as tough and strong as his older brothers.

"You will never defeat me!!!!"


"I already have!"

'Pew pew pew' goes a toy gun

" NOOOOOOO!!!.....bleh..ah..I'm dead...blah"

"Leooo that's too dramatic dying people don't act like that" Donnie face palmed. "We'll I think it was perfect!" Says Mikey as his usual supporting self "Yea It was great! Did you get it all Raph?" Asks M/n as he sets down the toy gun he just "shot" Leo with to go watch the footage. "Ummm I think so...I don't really understand how this new camera works" says Raph handing the camera to Donnie so they could watch the clip they had just filmed.

The brothers were in Mikey's room making a "movie" as they loved making short films to pass time.

Leo gasps "Now this, this is my best work yet" he says in his usual flat-cocky voice, "Alright! Donnie as soon as you edit this then we can have a movie night!!!" Shouts a very excited Mikey, startling M/n a bit as he was "very" focused on taking off his super hero costume that Mikey had made for him. This made Raph laugh and put M/n on his shoulders.

" ughhh.. alright I guess I can edit it now" Donnie said smirking a bit, as he knew this would make all of his brothers very happy. "Thank you Donnie!!" Mikey said giving Donnie a big hug, much to Donnie's dismay  "aghh..Mikey..no physical touch remember" Donnie said exasperated causing Leo to chuckle "Sorryyyyy" said Mikey.

Donnie walked out of the room with the camera to go edit the movie as Leo followed to annoy him while he worked. Raph then set M/n back down next to Mikey and walked back to his room. M/n pulled out his earbuds that Donnie had made for him, handing one to Mikey who was pulling out his sketchbook. Mikey took one, put it in his ear and gave M/n his classic toothy grin, which M/n then returned.

M/n layes down next to Mikey as the music blared through the speaker into his ears, filling his head with blissful thoughts and beautiful colors. His eyes fighting to stay open, getting heavier with each blink, untill they closed one more time as he drifted into a peaceful sleep.
He woke up to Leo and Raph fighting over who had to go get snacks from the convenience store and who had to set up the movie. Donnie was almost done editing in the other room.
    "I can get the snacks" Said M/n, all four brothers turning their heads to look at him, as they weren't aware they woke him. "What? M/n, you know you can't, getting snacks is for one of us older...um kids" Raph explained "Why though? All I have to do is walk to the store, buy the snacks, and walk back" M/n whined. "Uh yea, the store that's like 2 blocks away, plus it's nighttime" Said Leo who was on Raph's side. "Ughhh...guys I'm not a baby! I can handle getting some snacks" M/n exclaimed.

Mikey knew M/n didn't like being "babied" by their brothers but he also knew that New York was not the safest place at night, especially for kids. "Maybe he can go just this one time Raph" said Mikey not wanting M/n to be upset. "Yes! please Raph, just this one time!!" M/n said almost begging "Ok fine but I have to go with you" Raph decided. "What!? Nooo, I can do it alone I promise" M/n said annoyed with his older brother. Raph sighed and looked at Leo who just shrugged, he sighed and looked back down at his younger brother. "Fineeee you can go get snacks alone" Raph said giving into his younger brother's pleads.

"Yayyy!!! Thank you so so much Raph you're the best!" M/n jumped up and down happily. Raph smiled and rolled his eyes "Yea, yea whatever, just be careful and come straight back after" "Ok!" M/n said very pleased with himself for getting Raph to give into his begging. Leo handed him Money to buy the snacks with and right as M/n took it he dashed towards the ladder. M/n then stopped and waved bye to his brothers, Donnie walked in right as M/n did this.

Raph waved back as he stared into his baby brother's beautiful e/c eyes that he had been praised for, for aslong as he could remember. As soon as M/n started his way up the ladder a terrible creeping feeling bubbled in Raph's gut but he just brushed it off as him being overprotective.
That night the four brothers and Splinter waited and waited for M/n to come home....but he didn't. They went out and looked for him for hours, hoping to find him.....but they didn't. For weeks they waited and searched hoping to find even the slightest sign of him........but they didn't.

Um heyyy! Author here lol, so yea where did M/n go? You'll have to find out but don't worry he's not dead or anything lollll. Bye!

1404 words

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