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Present day Shells Town

"Gilly! Gilly!" Ririka called out, shaking the girl from her thoughts as she leaned against the bar. "take this to the table with the boy in the straw hat, please," Ririka said, setting a plate filled with rolls down on the table before Gilly. Gilly huffed, her chin still resting on her hand lazily, as she glanced at the table. Seated there was a peculiar boy in a straw hat and another timid boy with pink hair. She furrowed her brows curiously, listening in to their not-so-quiet conversation.

"I can't get inside the base through the gate. But maybe... maybe... maybe what if I could get inside flying? I can grab onto a bird or something," the boy in the straw hat suggested. "That's a terrible idea," his friend responded, looking at the straw hat boy incredulously before whispering, "Keep your voice down," and glancing around slightly.

Gilly smiled, her brows rising slightly as she looked at the boys curiously. She grabbed the plate of food and slowly made her way to the odd boys. She placed the food down beside them, and the straw hat boy immediately gorged his face with the rolls placed before him. Gilly cleared her throat. "So, you two are looking to sneak into the marine base?" She questioned, already knowing the answer. The pink-haired boy's eyes widened, and he looked at her panicked. "N... no... no, where would you get that idea?" The boy stuttered anxiously, glancing between the girl and his friend. simultaneously, the straw hat boy replied, "Sure are!" His reply was slightly muffled by the food stuffed in his mouth. The pink-haired boy paled and snapped his head towards his friend, his mouth agape and eyes twitching slightly behind his glasses. He turned back to Gilly, and she could see the boy visibly gulp. Before he could think of a response to retort his friend's claim, the straw hat boy continued, "You got any ideas?" He asked Gilly with a big, bright smile.

Gilly wasn't sure what shocked her most: his extreme honesty, the fact that he had devoured a plate filled with rolls in under a minute himself, or his smile—the kind of smile that was genuine, filled with hope, wonder, and excitement. It was the kind of smile she had lost years ago. She blinked, taken aback by the boy, before finally responding. "Depends, why are you trying to sneak in?" She questioned. "To find a map of the Grand Line," he replied happily, while the pink-haired boy turned to face the table and sighed anxiously. "Oh, so you're one of those, you think you're gonna find Gold Roger's treasure," she chuckled. "I am, my name is Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm gonna find the One Piece and be the king of the pirates," he responded confidently.

Gilly laughed, finding humor in the fact that these two odd boys who had to have been around her age thought they were going to be the ones to find the One Piece, which much fiercer pirates had spent years searching for. That was until she looked into his eyes, which held pure determination and sincerity—a look that left no room for doubt, a look that almost made her believe, just for a moment, that he really could be the one to find the One Piece. Her laughter died down. "The pipe system. You should be able to sneak in through the pipes," she answered softly, smiling at the boys as she grabbed the empty plates and turned back to the bar. She didn't notice the curious smile the straw hat boy was giving her.

She stood next to a man with green hair who was conversing with Rika as she placed the dirty dishes behind the counter. She heard a clash and turned to see Rika had stumbled into a blonde man, spilling a tray of food on him. "You stupid, stupid girl," the blonde man spat, stepping on Rika's chocolate rice balls. Gilly watched angrily as she took a step forward when Ririka grabbed her arm and shook her head, telling the girl to stay out of it. Begrudgingly, Gilly obliged, opting to seethe in silence.

"Why don't you watch where you're going?" he continued as Ririka asked Rika to apologize, not wanting to ruffle any feathers with the marines. "I'm... I'm so sorry," Rika stumbled out. "I'm so sorry!" the man echoed back mockingly. "Next time I won't be so nice," he stated angrily. "If that was nice, I'd hate to see what mean looks like," Gilly mumbled, glancing to see Ririka shake her head. "Excuse me, and who exactly do you think you are?" the blond man glared about to approach Gilly before being blocked by the green-haired man.

"You dropped my food," he stated monotonously, reaching down to take a bit of the smushed rice ball. "Mmm. Delicious," he stated, making the young girl smile. The green-haired man then lifted the rice ball plate and placed it on the bar counter, leaning nonchalantly. "Now you eat it. And apologize to the girl," he instructed. The blonde man laughed mockingly before stepping up to the green-haired man. "Do you know who I am?" He questioned accusingly. "A shithead marine with a bad haircut," he replied, causing Gilly to chuckle. The blonde man glared at Gilly before directing his fiery gaze back to the green-haired man. This seemed to be the final straw as he drew his sword. Gilly pulled Rika away. "I wouldn't do that," the green-haired man stated matter-of-factly. "Oh, come on, tough guy. Three swords?" the blond man laughed obnoxiously. "I only need one," he continued. "Okay, but it's gonna hurt," the green-haired man stated, giving in.

The blonde man went to strike the green-haired man with his sword, but with a swift move of the hand, the green-haired man easily blocked the advance with his sword sheath before maneuvering the sword away and slapping the blond man. The blonde crawled away whimpering as other marines sauntered over to the green-haired man. He threw a stool down and kicked it over to trip one of the marines while easily evading the others' advances and slamming the marine into the bar. Taking a drink from a mug on the bar, he then threw it at another marine, knocking him out.

The blonde man went to attack him again, but the green-haired man easily dodged, leading the blonde to make contact with only the bar. While the blonde was busy trying to free his sword from the bar counter, the green-haired man took out two marines at once, all without the use of any of his three swords. The blonde finally unjammed his sword and took another swing at the green-haired man, only to be easily defeated along with another set of marines. With the rest of the marines out for the count, the green-haired man pulled the blonde up by his collar, having a hushed conversation with the now trembling blonde before pulling him up and whisking him out of the bar. Gilly sighed while the marines had received a well deserved ass kicking it now left her with a huge mess to clean up.

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