Chapter 4: Golden Week

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Chapter 4: Golden Week

               It was Golden Week so all students get a week off from school. This was a good thing for me because I was still in shock from what happened yesterday. I was kidnapped by the president of Kyoto Preparatory School. Luckily Takai had come to rescue me. Tadashi had taken me home after Keiko, Ayame, Ichirou and Tadashi had found Takai and me.  Takai was rushed to the hospital because of the very deep wound on his shoulder which caused him to lose a lot of blood. 

The next day, I called Takai to check on him and he was fine so I was a little more relieved. It was my fault he got hurt. I couldn't sleep all night because I stayed up worrying about him even when Tadashi said he would be fine. I just couldn't shake off the feeling of anxiety. So now, I'm sitting in bed, reading. 

"Isane, are you up?" a voice called from outside my door. 

 "Yeah" I replied. 

Tadashi came in and sat on my bed across from me. 

               "What's up?" He asked cheerfully.

 "The sky" I said monotonously.

 "Very funny, Isane" Tadashi smiled. "Hey, Ayame called and asked if we wanted to go on vacation with the rest of RK to the Akutagawa hot springs resort."

 "They have a hot spring resort?" 

               "Yup, there's a lake nearby too. We can go canoeing. The town it's in is also very festive during Golden Week. Do you want to come?" 

                "Umm... I don't know. Aren't you guys mad at me? I mean I caused a whole bunch of trouble for you guys. Takai even got hurt and that's not easy to forgive yourself over." I said, looking down at my book.

                "Well, you have until Monday to decide." Tadashi stood up and stretched. 

                "Hey, Tadashi can I borrow your car? I just want to get out for a bit and clear my head." I asked looking up.

                "Sure, you can take my car, just not the Porsche." 

                "You have more than one car?" I stared at him. 

                He nodded. "You can take the BMW. It's the red one." 

                I stood up and followed him as he led me to Nakamura's garages. They have three garages that fit three cars in each. 

                "Why the heck do you guys have nine cars plus a limo?" I asked as the garage door open to show Tadashi’s black Porsche, silver Corvette, and red BMW.

                "They are birthday presents from the CEOs of different companies. Our airline company flies some of the most influential people around the world." Tadashi said. He walked to the wall of the garage and took a set of keys off the hooks." He tossed them to me. "This is for the red one. Actually if you like it, you can have it. I don't need all three cars." 

                I looked at the keys in my hand and the red car in front of me. Did Tadashi just give me a red BMW? Yes he just did. I ran over and hugged Tadashi. "You are the best!" 

                "Yes, I know I am." 

                I ran back to my room and quickly changed into jeans and a sweatshirt. I ran back down to the garage and soon, I was on the road in my new car. Aside from the excitement of getting a new car, I still needed a place to just clear my head. Life was very different here. It made me miss the simplistic life I had back in Yamagata. I looked at the passenger seat beside me, and looked at my violin case. I know where to go. 

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