Chapter 2: Fundraiser: Themed Cafés

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Chapter 2: Fundraiser: Themed Cafés 

Two weeks into the school year, everything was becoming habit. Every morning I would go to school in the limo with Tadashi. We would arrive at the right wing, where RK studies, and go straight to our offices where, by 9 o'clock, our teachers arrive for our lessons. By lunch time, we go to our little garden and eat lunch. During lunch, we would discuss the progress of our fundraising project. In the afternoon, after athletics, we just go our own way. 

Today was different. I decided to go check out the rest of the school during my break. I stopped in front of Tadashi's office to ask if he would show me around, but decided he must be too busy. I headed downstairs and started off towards the student hall. As I walked down the halls, two girls, one tall and one short, started walking towards me, their blonde-dyed hair flipping behind them. 

They stopped in front of me. 

"Excuse me." I said politely and tried the slip past them, but the taller one blocked me. 

"Who do you think you are?" she asked in an indignant voice. 

I stepped back and reached out my hand offering a handshake. "I am Isane Yamamura of RK. I was just wondering around. Nice to meet you and you are?" 

"I am Rachel." said the taller one in English. 

"And I am Sarah." the shorter girl chimed in.They clearly do not speak English. Now, my English was no better, but theirs was just terrible. 

"No one can just join RK. Especially, I heard you're a scholarship student. What right do you have to be hanging out with people like Nakamura- senpai and Akutagawa- senpai. Why don't you just leave and go back to your little village, wherever you came from." 

"Yeah!" said Sarah. "Go back to where you came from." 

"Poor dogs like you have no place here amongst the rich." shouted Rachel. 

A group of students nearby came forth and nodded their agreement. 

"So leave us alone." Sarah mimicked.  

I started to back up from the growing mob when I felt myself running into someone. A hand was placed on my shoulder and the sound of heels on the marble floor somehow silenced the mob. 

"Do you guys really think you're all that?" rang a familiar voice. Keiko's light brown hair passed my peripheral vision. Keiko stormed forward and stood in front of the mob. 

I looked up to see Tadashi standing behind me. 

"Any one of RK's parents can buy your family business in an instant. To us, you are the poor ones, but do we go and kick you guys out of our school?" Keiko demanded. A few students in the mob shook their heads shamefully. "Now, do not make me have a word the Akutagawa-senpai about this. You all know how particular he is about bullying members of RK. Also, you guys may not have known this," Keiko walked back to Tadashi and me and placed a hand on Tadashi's shoulder. "Yamamura- san here is Nakamura- senpai's cousin." There were a few gasps in the crowd and whispering broke out amongst the group. Slowly, the students began dispersing back to the classes. 

After the last of the students left, I turned around to Keiko and Tadashi and thanked them. 

"Not a problem, Isane, but you have to be careful." said Keiko, 

"Did I not tell you to not to get involved with the other students?" Tadashi scolded. 

"I didn't do anything. I was just taking a look around when they came. You can't keep me locked up in RK all the time. I have the right to take a look at my school." I shot back. 

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