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Author's pov

After he was dressed up in his sweat pants and shirt he came to balcony and back hugged yn , she was about to screem because of his sudden action, but he closed her mouth by covering her mouth by his hand

Jk:"sssshhhh it's me "

She immediately pushed him and said while glaring at him

Yn:"you know, you scared me the shit out of me"

Jk:"go take bath I will send my one of the maid to give you the dress"


Yn's pov
Omg he's such a rich ass man . Wow his bathroom is beautiful compared to my apartment bathroom, then I went near a mirror and stared myself

WTF it's Hickey it has not gone still I will wash it away, I turned on the shower tap and started taking cleaning myself.
Aagrr this Hickey isn't going

I came out and saw a elegant outfit kept on the bed. I took it and wore

wow it looks good

Now this jungkook came

Yn:"jungkook don't enter like this ever , without my permission"

Jk:"but, babe it's my room"

Yn:"whatever you still have to knock the door when I'm in room "


Yn:"you should jungkook, it's wrong to enter into room without their permission"

Jk:"whatever, now come have breakfast, I will drop you to your home"

While we were having breakfast he questioned me

Jk:"didn't you try to vanish the Hickey mark"

Yn:"yeah, I did but it's not going"

Jk:"good, it shouldn't go"

While cursing under her breath she started having her breakfast and jungkook spoke

Jk:"I'll be dropping you off to your place"


Jk:"after having breakfast stay here I'll change myself and come"

Yn:"hmm ok"

After he came back changing the dress he dragged yn out of the mansion and made her sit inside the car

After reaching in their destination they both went into the apartment home

Yn:"thanks for sending me here"

Jk:"hmm ok , "

Yn:"wait I'll get you glass of water"

He nodded and sat on the couch

Jk:"yn , listen I'll be going to company, because lot's of pending work are not done"
Yn nodded and sent him

Yn's pov

I have night shift today ooh god , but
All I remember is jungkook, he's just all over my mind , his touch, his gaze ,
his voice makes me feel butterflies all over my stomach
Wait, I should not feel such kind of feelings. Thinking about the jerk I drifted into my dreamland

It's actually 7pm in evening, and I have to go for hospital as I have night shift, I wanna wash up myself and go for hospital , after setting up myself I
Proceeded myself to hospital...........

Jeon jungkook's pov

I left yn at her apartment and came back home because, one of my maid broke my girl's picture , such a carless person she is , she is the person whom I loved and she is the reason I don't believe in love, love is just a word with no meaning,
But whenever I see yn I will forget about her

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