I make my way home. I hope no one is home when I get there. If there is then I am climbing through my window. I'm scared of heights but I'm a werewolf so confidence and no adrenaline is now who I am and what is up with me also did you see what the fuck I did this morning?! I'll be able to climb up my house and into my window with no problem and no anxiety or stress so here we go. Give it to me. Wow, Jules was right. It's not like I didn't notice it before but this is going from a little bit to more now.

I make it to my house and I see Jenna's car is still there. So we are going to be climbing now :/ Are we Spider-Man or what? I'm good...now. I go towards where my bedroom is and I climb up the tree by my window to make this easier and less noisy in case Jenna hears. I get to the same height level as my window and reach and hold onto it and what's lucky for me is that my window is still open. I am now completely off the tree and I climb into my window and now I'm in my bedroom. I gently let myself 'fall' onto my carpet. That was actually extremely easy. I've never snuck in or snuck out of my house before because as I said before about the others not liking me suddenly doing something that isn't like me (potentially) so this is new and not just me being a werewolf which mainly allowed this to be easy for me and just me being in this position in the first place because human me, nah maybe). I hear Jenna walking about downstairs. Gotta be quick because I have a feeling she's going to find me. If she's going to find me, you might be wondering, 'Then what's the point?' Well, I have to try and I got to be ready to run. I put my phone on charge and place my school bag onto my bed ready. I go into my wardrobe and I get an outfit. I change out of my clothes that Jules gave me and I get into my new clothes.

 I change out of my clothes that Jules gave me and I get into my new clothes

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I decide to keep the shoes Jules gave me on.

I take the clothes Jules gave me and I put them in the wash. I only just put them on but I had them on outside so they need to be cleaned. I'm not a clean-freak. Shut the fuck up.

I go to my bathroom and I brush my teeth, fix my hair and do my skincare. People may call me gay because I do skincare which I don't get because it just means that I'm taking care of my skin and you're not. Fucking stinkers. I love this but hate it at the same time because it doesn't feel like me and I fucking hate change with a passion as you saw with my parents. Everyone was thinking it. I just said it. Any who, I got no time to dilly dally because I need to get out of here before Jenna finds me because I don't have time for her continuation of her tantrum from earlier. I'm sure she didn't come chasing after me earlier because of Elena, she must have told her something like she'd talk to me but Jenna would've obviously known that it didn't work out because I literally jumped out of my window and was no where to be seen plus the lot of them are shit actors so there's that. They would've just given it up without saying anything or even hinting to it. Their faces would've done all the work. I go back into my room, I take my phone off charge and place it into my pocket and then I grab my bag and put it onto both of my shoulders.

I go over to my window and I'm about to get ready to climb out when my door opens and someone comes barging in. "HAYDEN! You stop right there, young man!" Of course it's Jenna. She is the only one in this house so obviously it was gonna be her. I groan and turn around to face her, "Yes Jenna?" "First, you turn your back on me and go to your room when I was talking to you and then when Elena and her friends come to speak to you, you just go and jump out of your window! What do you have to say for yourself?!" "I don't want to have to listen to your tantrum aunt Jenna! That's the problem!" "That's exactly it! I'm your aunt and I'm your guardian! You can't just run off without telling me or Elena or Jeremy or just someone who could've let me know that you was going to be out, oh but let's not forget that you didn't come back until the morning! Where was you?! And why didn't you let anyone know?! Are you dating someone? Because sneaking out, through your window I might add makes it seem like that or are you doing drugs? Because your parents did not raise you up like that for you to go and destroy your body. Where would you have even got the money? I know that the money you got from singing at the grill wouldn't have been enough to maintain getting drugs on a basis. Not that you singing even lasted which I'm not surprised at. Did you steal it? Did you steal it from me? Jeremy? Elena? Bonnie? Caroline? Beatrice? Your friends? Stefan? Damon? Are you dating Damon? Because from what I've heard and seen makes me suspicious. Are you causing trouble? Are you getting your friends involved with your problems? I should have a talk with them because I wouldn't put it past you to be doing that. So go on then, tell me. Tell me, tell me, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" "I WONDER THE SAME THING! JENNA, I DON'T NEED TO HEAR YOU HAVING A FUCKING TANTRUM OVER TEENAGER NORMANCY! WHY DOES EVERYONE SUDDENLY HAVE A PROBELM WHEN I DO ONE THING, ONE THING WHICH ISN'T LIKE ME?! HUH?! GO ON, TELL ME! I'M NOT DATING ANYONE ESPECIALLY NOT DAMON AND I AM DEFINTELY NOT DOING DRUGS, AND LET'S JUST SAY, IF YOU REALLY KNEW ME THEN YOU'D KNOW THAT I FUCKING DESPISE DRUGS! AND HOW COULD YOU ACCUSE ME OF STEALING MONEY OR INCLUDING MY FRIENDS INTO ANY OF THAT?! THEY HELPED ME! MORE THAN ANY OF YOU HAVE! UNCLE JOHN EVEN HELPED ME MORE THAN YOU LOT AND HE HAS BARELY BEEN HERE! ONLY TWICE HE'S BEEN HERE SINCE MY PARENTS DIED WHILE YOU THREE HAVE BEEN HERE FOR MONTHS AND YOU HAVEN'T DONE SHIT! I'M TIRED OF YOU, ELENA AND EVEN JEREMY! I DON'T NEED YOU LECTURING ME! THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE MY PARENTS JOB AND YOUR NOT MY PARENT BECAUSE MY PARENTS ARE DEAD! OKAY?!" Wow...That was a lot. Jenna stayed silent the whole time but she kept flinching with every word and not just because I was shouting. "Hayden-" "NO! I said I'm tired of your bullshit and that's a fact. I have waited for so long to finally get that out of me so thank you but for everything else, I don't thank you, I blame you in fact because you and Elena and even Jeremy treat me like absolute dog shit and you didn't even realise or care! I want you out of my life but that's not possible right now so for now as long as I am under this roof, stay away from me and don't talk to me. If you see Elena...and Jeremy, tell them as well. If I see them and if they piss me off then I might end up telling them myself so if I do, I'll let you know but that'll be the last thing I say to you but if not then this will be the last thing I say to you. I hate you Jenna and unfortunately, I think I always will." I push past her and make my way to my bedroom door to leave through the front door instead. "Hayden, you can't just leave!" She grabs my arm to spin me around but I swing my arm to get out of her grip but instead I accidently hit her in the face, slapping her. She falls to the ground, she holds her cheek in her hand. I hit her hard as fuck. Her cheek looks like it might almost bleed if it isn't bleeding already. "I'm so sorry Jenna..." She looks up to me with tears in her eyes, "How could you?" "It was an accident but...you deserved it." Her tears fall from her eyes. "You should put some ice on that. I'll be back later, bye." That's the last thing I say to her before I turn back around and leave my room and the house heading for school.

I feel...good?

I got the thing I needed to get off my chest...finally.

But I feel like this is just the beginning and not everyone will be happy with it.

Oh well.

The Sanguis Lunae Veneficus: We saved each otherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang