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I find my way to the Mystic Grill and Jules is standing outside of it. She sees me and scrunches her eyebrows in confusion, "Why are you still dirty?" "Family issues." "Oh, sorry about that. Do you want to shower at my hotel room?" "I don't want to intrude." "I offered so no, you're not." "Alright." "Let's go." We make our way to the hotel that she's staying at. We get into her room, "You can have a shower and I'll put some clothes outside the door. I'll go get us some food, good?" "Okay", she goes and grabs some clothes and I go into the bathroom. I turn the shower on and the water is the perfect temperature and pressure. "The clothes are outside the door!" Jules shouts so that I can hear her. "Okay!" I shout back. "I'm gonna go leave and get some food now! Call me if you need me!" "Okay!" I hear the room door shutting as she leaves. I finish up my shower and I look outside the room where she left me some clean clothes. They don't look like clothes she would wear?

 They don't look like clothes she would wear?

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Except for the shoes.

I put them on and I go back into the bathroom. I turn the tap on and splash my face with the water. They are so fucking nosy in things that have nothing to do with them, what I do is none of their business. Going from them not caring to now caring about one simple thing I do. It seemed like me leaving the house or being able to leave the house was linked to something about their own business but I don't get how or why. Why do they care so much now especially when I'm doing something unlike me? Did they not like that I was changing? Even by just doing one thing not like who I am as a person. I have no idea but it's really starting to piss me off but I don't give two shits what their business is unlike them who want to get all up in my bizz.

The room door opens and appears Jules. She holds up a box of dominoes, "Got us some pizza." I smile and go over to her. We sit down at the table and start to eat. "I hope the clothes fit." "They do but these clothes don't look like something you'd wear." "My boyfriend got them for my birthday last year, for a joke obviously because they're not something I'd wear which you're correct on", she tells me. She chuckles a little at the thought. "Wearing comfy clothes after your first transformation is a must so you should thank me." "I would've worn comfy clothes anyways because that's my style." She laughs. She looks at me with thought, "What's wrong?" "You just met me today and you have no problem 'hanging out' with me. Why?" "I don't know...Maybe it's because you're Mason's friend and I know Mason wouldn't be friends with bad people." "Werewolves trust each other." "I like that idea." "Me too." We continue to eat and for some reason, my ability to eat and how much I eat has gotten extremely better. Jules notices my slight surprisement with this, "Being a werewolf changes everything so I get how you're feeling." "What changed with you?" She hums in thought, "That's hard...Ah, my confidence for sure changed. Me speaking up against others if they're in the wrong or going against me. I was not so good at that before I turned." "I hope that happens to me." "When you said family issues, did you end up standing up against them?" "Yeah, I did." "See." "It's weird." "And it'll keep on getting weirder." "I actually ended up hurting my brother..." "What happened?" I explain to her what happened back at my house. "He deserved it." "Are you sure?" "Of course!" "I didn't want to hurt him! He's my little brother and I love him!" "He was acting just like the others. Do you love your sister?" "I'm sure deep down I do." "She's your twin sister and yet you can't say that you love her. You say you love your brother but you did what you did. It was your right but I'm trying to get my point across. I'm sure in time, you'll feel the same way about him, maybe not on the same level as how you feel about your sister but close." "I don't want to feel that way about him." "I know but we can't control how others act towards us and what they do to us. Our feelings towards other are something that we definitely can't control." "I fucking hate it!" "Don't we all. Look, things happen for a reason. I know that sounds super cheesy and not original but it's the truth. If they're not supposed to be in your life then they won't be and it'll show and you will know." "I think I already know." "Good. It'll hurt but good. Get them out of your life, they aren't meant to be there." "I'm only 17 and they're my family. My aunt is my guardian. How am I supposed to just have them not in my life? I live with them." "If you feel that way now then just wait and it'll happen. I'm no psychic but I have all kind of feelings about you and your life." "That makes me feel good." "Don't trust my feelings but my gut is saying something." "And people's guts are always right." "Correct." "I have a question." "Shoot." "Would me knowing martial arts hide the fact that I'm stronger and different than before from them?" "Have they seen you do martial arts before?" "Elena, Jeremy and Jenna when I was younger but that was a long time ago." "It'll be the only explainable reason they could have but try not to do anything around them or something they could see or notice and that also means around people who would tell them." "You've been a werewolf way longer than me so I know that you know best which is odd because trust issues." "You trusting me makes me feel good for some reason", I smile. "Do you have school today?" "Ah shit. They're doing a Booster Club Barbecue today and I have to help so I got to get home. About the clothes-" "Keep them." "Are you sure?" "Like I said, my boyfriend gave them to me for a joke so I'll never end up wearing them anyways and they match you so much more", I smile liking the compliment. "What about the shoes?" "They don't fit me anymore so they're also yours now." I nod my head. "I should go now. See you later?" "See you later but don't come here because I probably won't be here most likely. My boyfriend is coming to town and I'll be staying with him but I'll give you the address if you need to come see me." "Okay. I'll see you later, bye." "Bye, see you later." I turn and leave her hotel room.

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