Chap 4:a talk

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(Please note I suffer from adhd, dyslexia and I am autistic)

Your eyes reopened but you immediately shut them as you remember what happened.

Okay so she/he/they were about to enter"

"Well hasn't she/he/they already entered anyway?" You heard a mumbled and a grumble from different people.

"And I have to heal her because dr smiley isn't here?"

"Yes the operator has told you so you have to"


"Toby you stay and make sure if this girl/boy/person does wake up she/he/they don't try anything crazy"

"Y-Yes c-cat"

'How many people were in this room?' You thought to your self but your hands immediately turned to fists as you feel a cold touch against your body you missed the black turtle neck and the jacket which had lovely scents on them.

Your cover was blown who ever was in this room 100% saw your hands turn to fists.

"You can open your eyes..."

"No thank you" you heard a grumble but you immediately flinched as you felt something sharp against you.

"Toby can you hold her/him/then down?"

"Fine fine!" You immediately opened your eyes and that got a smirk out of the boy who was leaning on the wall

"Whe-re are my clothes"

"Our" you blinked and then saw that both of the men were wearing black turtlenecks, one wore the mask, one had a dark blue jacket and black shoes as the other wore ripped blue pants.


You had no clothes on you immediately tried to cover those bits and that earned a chuckle out of both them.

"It wasn't us that took your clothes off even if we wanted to and we did but Kate insisted in doing it she said something about us being perverts..." the one who wore the mask mumbled and you just tilt your head a little bit.

Toby pov

It was true we wanted to take the clothes of her/him/them because they were ours but I am surprised she made them match and Kate 100% called us perverts.

I stare at the girl/boy/person as eyeless jack wraps bandages around them but I immediately stared at the girl/boy/person I watched their hand grab one of jack's scalpels and both me and jack had saw this but Kate had told us she/he/they were clearly weak.

As I watched her/him/them raise the scalpel about to stab jack I immediately grabbed her/his/their hand and she/he/they stared at me like they were gonna be punished, well of course they were gonna get punished but just not what they were thinking.
You stare at the man who had grabbed your hand you try to move it but failed this man's grip was rather strong. You watch as the blue masked man stared at you and then he continued his work.

You looked at the man who held your hand a little to tight. You were about to move your other hand to try to punch the man but it was immediately grabbed by sharp hands.

"Le-t m-me d-deal -w-ith t-his"

You watch as you were let go by both of the males but you were immediately picked up by the goggles one and then he sat down and out you on his lap.

"Thanks tob"

You tried to move off his lap but immediately you felt something and the grip tightened and pulled you back. "A-are you t-trying to s-seduce me?" Your face heated up and you shook it the males where clearly grinning at this reaction.

Look at you~ || toby x reader x eyelessjack || creepypasta 2023~Where stories live. Discover now