Kiba and Akamaru, their teamwork and resilience tested to the limit, made one final, coordinated attack.

"Fang Wolf Fang!" Kiba shouted, his voice filled with determination. a spinning, slashing assault that closed in on Temari with incredible force.

Temari, recognizing the impending danger, used her fan to create a massive gust of wind. "Whirlwind Defence!" she declared.

The powerful whirlwind deflected Kiba and Akamaru's attack, sending them tumbling backward, knocking them out.

"The Winner of the match is Temari of the Sand!"

Medics came in and had taken Kiba and Akamaru on a stretcher.

'Looks like sand shinobi don't really have a murderous nature. The only person really dangerous is Gaara and Orochimaru then.' Naruto was gazing at Temari as she was heading back to her team.

He then turned, facing towards the board as the names were about to be announced.

3.. 2.. 1..


Naruto had a confident grin and got on the stadium, his Rinnegan hidden from sight. Zaku, wearing the Sound Village's distinctive attire, faced him from the opposite end.

Hayate looked at both of them getting a nod from each and started the match.


Zaku, his arms covered with air-generating tubes, watched Naruto with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

Naruto's thoughts raced as he considered his options. 'I have an array of abilities at my disposal. I need to gauge Zaku's strength before deciding how to approach this.'

Zaku, narrowing his eyes, activated his "Wind Scythe Jutsu," sending slicing blasts of air toward Naruto.

Naruto, with swift reflexes, created a series of shadow clones to evade Zaku's slicing wind blasts. Each clone moved with precision, dodging the attacks effortlessly.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto called out, his voice echoing through the arena.

Zaku's thoughts raced as he continued to unleash a barrage of slicing wind blasts. 'His shadow clones are impressive, but they won't save him.'

Naruto decided to showcase his versatility. He combined his knowledge of pressure points with his strategic instincts, creating unpredictable and rapid movements that disoriented Zaku.

Naruto's movements were fluid and unpredictable, making it challenging for Zaku to lock onto a target. He focused on creating openings by using his precise strikes to momentarily weaken and confuse his opponent.

The battle reached its climax as Naruto's unpredictable movements and precise strikes disoriented Zaku. With a well-timed strike to a pressure point on Zaku's forehead, Naruto paralyzed him without causing serious harm.

"The winner of the match is Naruto Uzumaki!"

Naruto smiled at his victory and headed back to his teammates.

"Damn, Naruto that was quick and smooth" Sasuke said with a look of awe

Naruto rubbed his head while laughing nervously.

3.. 2.. 1..


Shikamaru sighed as he walked to the stadium

Shikamaru, with his usual nonchalant expression and hands tucked into his pockets, stood at one end of the arena. Kankuro, donning his puppeteer attire and holding his puppet Crow, faced him from the opposite end

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