Chapter 5

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I don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto-sama owns him


After the ROOT ninja incident Minato sealed the Yamanaka's Body in a scroll and will use it in today's council meeting. Right now Minato, Kushina and Naruto are at the Hokage's Private Training Ground at 6 and waiting for Jiraiya to arrive. Naruto was still feeling bad about what happened in the morning while Minato and Kushina were FURIOUS as to why Danzo would kidnap their son and they were about to find out during this week's council meeting. The council meeting happens every week to report the weekly missions and tradings happening in the village. Nothing to often used to happen in the meeting but today's meeting was going to be exciting for Hiruzen, Jiraiya, Minato and Kushina since they finally have the chance to take out Danzo once and for all. Allthough they were sad about Naruto's first kill they still get revenge on the old warhawk. Before they thought anything else Jiraiya appeared in a smoke of leaves and greeted the Namikaze family

"Good Morning Minato, Kushina and Naruto! How was your morning?" Naruto looked down and tears were falling down from his eyes. Jiraiya saw that and asked the parents for explanation. Minato and Kushina explained to him what happened and how Naruto got his first kill. After hearing the explanation Jiraiya was furious that Danzo would go so low for power and he went to Naruto and bent on one knee and said

"Listen Naruto, I see you are still upset about the kill. But that's what a Shinobi means" Naruto then looked at Jiraiya tears slowing down from his eyes and tilted his head in confusion. Jiraiya sighed and asked

"Naruto, What are your dreams for the future? " Naruto then thought about it. He didn't have a dream but when he saw his father looking down at him all his dreams finally opened to him. He then pumped his fist and said

"My Dream is to be the Hokage like my dad and protect this village. BELIEVE IT!" Jiraiya smiled at the enthusiasm his godson gave and said "Then you have to get over the kill because A shinobi means to endure. Protect the ones who are precious to him" Naruto understood and felt slight better but Jiraiya continued and what he said gave Naruto confidence in himself "You want to be Hokage right?" Naruto nodded "Then to be Hokage is the one who walks ahead of everyone and endures the pain of others. If the person was controlled he might be thankful to you for freeing him you never know"

Minato and Kushina looked at the Godfather and godson couple and were smiling. Jiraiya may be a pervert but he is one serious shinobi when it comes to dreams and goals. Naruto finally got up and asked his parents

"Can we start training?" All three of them nodded and they started

Minato started his training for the day and asked him to throw shuriken and Kunai at the dummy for 30 minutes and saw he was not too bad in throwing. He showed Naruto to not through it with full force and showed him a very basic shinobi skill that most ninjas never use. He took a shuriken from his pouch and flicked it with not much force and the damage was more than when Naruto threw his. Naruto saw his Father throwing the shuriken and was amazed by how easily it was rather than throwing it with force and watched Minato throw the weapons with awe in his eyes. He then practiced his wrist movement with shadow clones of course and he managed to nail the shurikenjutsu with perfection but still need practice on the speed of drawing kunai and throwing it at the opponent since speed can beat strength. Then Minato applied Gravity and Resistance seals on his body and activated them to level 1.

Naruto felt the seal pressuring him down like his body is getting smashe like a pancake but it was minor. He started with 5 Pushups, situps and jumping jacks and Minato asked him to increase it by 5 every two weeks. He then ran around the training ground 5 times. He finished the exercise and was panting a little. His parents found out that he was both a Stamina and a Chakra monster since he did it with 5 shadow clones behind him. And was just panting after all the muscle memory from the clones were sent to him.

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