Chapter 14

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I don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto-sama owns him

*Poof* Giant gasses poofed out covering the person named Anko

"You're early, Anko" Ibiki said

"You were the one who said and I quote "early bird catches the worm bleh bleh" now im early and you call me out for it?" Anko Countered

A tickmark grew on Ibiki's head. In anyway Anko wasn't wrong.

Ibiki sighed. "Alright go ahead"

Anko stepped out of the smoke with a smirk. She was wearing a fishnet outfit, a long coat and a blouse. Her hair was tied in a spiky like ponytail. Most of the other village shinobi were gaping at her.

"Alright, pipsqueaks! Time for your next part of the exam. Head to the Training Ground 44 in 5 minutes or else you fail. MOVE!"

On Anko's Order all the genin left the exam room in an instant. Ibiki smirked out of amusement at how easy Anko ordered the genin before heading to collect the exam papers.

Anko shunshined to training ground 44, also known as The Forest of Death


"Looks like we are back here huh" Naruto commented, as he was staring at the dense forest.

"Looks like we are" Sasuke affirmed

"At least we know some of the place." Hinata continued with Naruto and Sasuke nodding

Naruto and his team reached the gate.

"Looks like you're the first ones to arrive, eh?"

Team 7 quickly turned around in instinct to find Anko Mitarashi staring at them with a smirk

Naruto nodded and said

"We have been here before and it wasn't a first good experience."

Anko raised her eyebrow

"When did you come here?"

"Two Years Ago"

"How old are you?"


"Entering the forest of death at the age of ten?"

Naruto nodded

Anko just grinned and said "You kids are badass then the other cry babies."

Team 7 couldn't help but to be blushing from the praise.

After a while, people started arriving the training ground. Once everyone arrived within 10 minutes. She started speaking.

"Alright! None of you were left out." Anko said while grinning.

She then held up two scrolls and continued "You will all be given one of these scrolls. The Black one is Earth while the Light one is Heaven. You have to defeat the other team with the opposite scroll of yours and you win." She stopped, looking at the genin to see any reactions before speaking again. "Before you guys receive the scrolls from there" she pointed to a cabin near them and then she pulled out a piece of paper. "You have to sign this death warrant. Konohagakure is not responsible if you die in the forest of death because you were weak." She saw fear, neutral, grinning emotions in the genin.

She threw a kunai at one of the sound ninja, intentionally missing him and said "I see you guys are not scared at all, hmm very well then, you all can go and get your scrolls."

"Anko-San" A mysterious person said. Anko turned to see a grass shinobi holding a kunai with her tongue. "Your Kunai" The shinobi continued. Anko took the kunai from her tongue and dismissed her. The grass ninja left but Anko was suspicious of her.

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