Chapter 16

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I don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto-sama owns him

After the devastating blow to Haku from Gaara who has gone mentally insane, Hayate announced a short break so everyone can calm down. Naruto and his team were thinking as to whose match is next. Lets find out!

30 Minutes Later...

"Alright, everyone let's resume the matches." Hayate said as the board started spinning again

3.. 2.. 1..


"Kiba has got a tough opponent, he would need to play his best" Naruto said before walking over to Kiba

"Hey Kiba!" He called out getting the attention of said person "All the Best" he said with a thumbs up.

Kiba smiled at that "Thanks Naruto." As he raised his fist for a fist bump which Naruto took.

Kiba then walked down the stadium preparing his mind for battle.

Kiba, with Akamaru by his side and his distinctive Inuzuka clan attire, stood at one end of the arena. Temari, her giant fan at the ready and her Sand Village attire billowing in the wind, faced him from the opposite end.

Hayate, in between the two of them raised his hand and shouted "BEGIN!"

Kiba and Akamaru moved forward with a synchronized grace, while Temari maintained her distance, her giant fan creating a protective barrier against any incoming attacks.

Kiba's sharp senses allowed him to track Temari's movements with precision. He bared his teeth in a feral grin, ready to unleash his clan's signature jutsu.

Temari's thoughts raced as she calculated her strategy. 'Kiba and Akamaru's teamwork is impressive, but I have the advantage of long-range attacks.'

Kiba, signalled to Akamaru, and together they activated their Inuzuka clan Jutsu, the "Beast Human Transformation!" Kiba's appearance altered as he gained sharp claws and feral features, while Akamaru grew larger and more ferocious.

"Beast Human Transformation!" Kiba called out, his voice echoing through the arena.

Kiba and Akamaru charged toward Temari with incredible speed, their claws gleaming with menace.

"Double-Headed Wolf Strike!" Kiba shouted as he and Akamaru launched a barrage of slashing attacks.

Temari wielded her giant fan with precision, creating powerful gusts of wind to defend against their assault. "Summoning: Quick Beheading Dance!" she declared, her fan movements swift and deadly.

Kiba's thoughts raced as he and Akamaru evaded Temari's counterattacks. 'We need to get past her defences and strike swiftly.'

Temari recognized the tenacity of her opponents and knew that she needed to adapt her strategy. She decided to employ her Kamaitachi, summoning a trio of deadly wind weasels.

"Summoning: Kamaitachi!" Temari called out, her voice carrying over the battlefield.

The Kamaitachi weasels, agile and razor-sharp, worked in tandem with Temari. They created a whirlwind of slashing winds that enveloped Kiba and Akamaru, making it difficult for them to maintain their attacks.

Kiba's thoughts raced as he and Akamaru struggled against the relentless assault. 'This is tough. We have to find an opening.'

Temari maintained her focus, utilizing her fan to control the Kamaitachi's movements and attack patterns. She watched for any signs of vulnerability in her opponents.

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