She was not the only one who was suspicious of the ninja. Team 7 were also looking at the conversation. Naruto narrowed his eyes.

"I don't like the look in that grass ninja's eyes. We should stay away from her." Naruto said

"I agree, Naruto" Sasuke responded "Let's leave"

The other two nodded before walking to the cabin. Team 7 signed their death warrant and got an Earth scroll and a gate number. They headed to the assigned gate number.

After sometime the speaker turned on.




10 Minutes later...

"Naruto did you find anyone yet?" Sasuke asked

Naruto shook his head "I haven't its strange. I have no idea wher-- " Naruto suddenly widened his eyes and fell face flat on the ground.

"NARUTO!" Hinata and Sasuke exclaimed

They picked up Naruto and carried him to a tree.

"Naruto, Are you okay?" Hinata asked

Naruto nodded before speaking "Do you guys remember the team from suna?" Both of his teammates nodded and Naruto continued "Whatever you do, don't fight them and run away from them. The Gaara kid, he is gone mentally insane and will kill anyone in the way."

Hinata and Sasuke looked at each other then back at Naruto "Okay Naruto", They said simultaneously before Sasuke speaking up.

"Are you able to travel?"

Naruto nodded and tried to get up but failed to do so as he had just taken a massive fall from a tree. 'I think I got a concussion'

'No you don't, I healed most internal injury from that fall. ' Kurama said from Naruto's mind.

Naruto got up once again then gestured his teammates to let them carry on. But before they could leave Naruto widened his eyes again.

"Guys! You remember the grass ninja with a weird looking face and a long tongue."

"What about him Naruto?" Sasuke asked as he didn't find him to be that important

Naruto then started breathing hastily "HE'S HEADING RIGHT TOWARDS US WITH A GIANT SNAKE!"

Hinata and Sasuke saw the mentioned snake charging at them at full speed. They barely managed to dodge it. While Sasuke started making handsigns before calling out "KATON: GOUKAKYUU NO JUTSU!" releasing a giant fireball and burned the head of the snake. The sound ninja then jumped out of nowhere.

"Interesssting, to see my summoning destroyed with one fireball. You have potential young boy." A man with long black hair and eyes responded before licking his lips.

Naruto got back to his team then asked the man "Who are you?"

"Why should I tell my name to those who are gonna die?"

"How do you know that we will die."

"Cause your murderer is infront of you" he said before attacking him with a snake.

Naruto grabbed the snake by the neck and threw it elsewhere. He then jumped over the man and struck his neck pressure point. The man fell on the ground.

"What? Why can't I move?"

Naruto smiled "Its because I pressed your pressure point on the back of your neck to paralyse you. Now tell us who the hell you ARE!" He said before punching him in the face

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