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As the two of them enjoyed their rice cakes and the quiet surroundings, Jeemin looks over at Yunah, the moonlight illuminating her face. She then pauses for a moment and whispers

"I want us to debut together tomorrow, Yunah-unnie."

Yunah is caught off guard by this but as she looks back at Jeemin, she knows that there is something deeper going on. Jeemin's words have an urgency to them, and she can't help but think that Jeemin might have other feelings besides wanting to debut together.

"We will, Jeemin-ah"

"We will, Jeemin-ah"

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Author's POV

The clock ticks down, as the results of the survival show are about to be announced.

Yunah and Jeemin stand nervously onstage with the other trainees as they wait for the final results. Knowing that only 6 of them will make it to the debut lineup, the tension and excitement are thick in the air.

Jeemin and Yunah's eyes are glued to the stage as they wait anxiously for their names to be called out. At that moment, Yunah couldn't help but feel her heart starting to pound in her chest.

There were still three names left to be called but none of the two of them has been called yet.
She felt the tension building in her gut and the anxiety of the moment was palpable.

They knew their debut would be determined in these last few moments.

As Yunah hears the name "Iroha" there was a brief moment where her heart skipped a beat, waiting for the next name.

The silence of the moment felt like a slow torture, the tension building with each passing moment as the next name was not yet announced.

Yunah and Jeemin wanted to know if they had made it together to the debut lineup... and each moment they had to wait felt like an eternity.

Only two names remained for the final lineup. Their mind was racing as they considered the possibilities and tried to be prepared for either outcome but deep down, they both wanted to hear their name to be called.

Jeemin heard the name "Moka" She's happy for her but at that moment, her heart sank realizing that there was only one name left. She looked over at Yunah, also looked nervous as the realization set in.

They were so close but now, they knew that only one of them had the chance to make their dreams a reality.

The tension hung in the air as it felt like a lifetime before the next name was called.
The final member is...

As Yunah hears her name, she can't help but feel a rush of mixed emotions. She feels overwhelmingly happy and relieved that she has made the cut after all the hard work and struggle she went through in the competition.

But she can't shrug away that bittersweet feeling in her heart knowing that she won't debut with Jeemin. The two of them had been through so much together. Yunah felt a pang of sadness at the thought of having to debut without Jeemin by her side.

As Yunah looks back after hearing her name, she sees Jeemin standing there in the background proudly looking at her with tears in her eyes. She can see the sadness and disappointment in those eyes but still a genuine smile on her face, showing joy and pride for her success.

She wishes that she and Jeemin could have debuted together as they had always dreamt about. As the two gaze at each other, there is a mutual understanding of their feelings and the complicated emotions each of them is experiencing.

She feels a rush of warmth and gratitude in her heart knowing that Jeemin was happy for her and proud of all that she had achieved. She smiles back at Jeemin before turning ahead, ready to step forward and take her place as a debut member.

It took nearly all her strength to deliver her speech without her own emotions overcoming her.

As Jeemin watched Yunah deliver her speech, she felt a deep sense of relief and pride, knowing that Yunah had finally made her lifelong dream a reality.
But on the other hand, she couldn't shake off that bittersweet feeling in her heart, knowing that she didn't.
And Yunah will debut without her by her side. She couldn't help but wonder, What it would be like if they debuted together.

What if?

Author's note:

guys, what if Yunah and Jeemin debuted together?..
imagine all the contents, their lives together, probably roommates, selcas, going overseas together, fan-meeting, having their first win, AWARDS, HOLDING THEIR FIRST CONCERT TOGETHER. IM LOSING IT. YALL COULD'VE ADD ONE MORE MEMBER @belifshit 😭
anyw, I just feel incomplete but I'm still happy with the current members. they've worked hard, they deserved it. reminder, do not spread unnecessary hate towards the members.

 reminder, do not spread unnecessary hate towards the members

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i love these two sm.... grabe ba

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