Welcome To Lavender Ridge

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Ari stared behind her in the direction of the city they were now miles away from. Her face was white as a ghost and the tears continued swelling down her cheek. She had lost her voice from sobbing uncontrollably. Art tried consoling her but it seemed to do little to help if anything at all. The sound of a river gently crashing against rocks could be heard next to them as they neared the edge of the forest.

The sun had begun to set once more as the moon peeked out from behind the trees. The chilled breeze blew her hair against her sticky skin as the orange rays of the setting sun shined between each strand. She wondered if Ace felt any pain as his body was consumed by the darkness. She wondered if he may have lived if there were something like water on the other side.

She wanted to ask Scott anything she could but couldn't form the sentences without tears pooling from her eyes. She felt numb, she had prepared herself to never see him again, or hold him again, but once she saw him and held him all of her preparation seemed to vanish. Now that he truly was gone, she had no idea what to do. She felt like throwing up the more she thought.

Her mind festered with unanswered questions, and her body ached as she stared deep into the dimly lit forest. Miles sat silently as well as the others. He couldn't believe how quickly twelve turned to eleven and more than that, he couldn't believe he lost a friend. He wanted to cry, scream, and punch things, but the only thing his body would allow him to do was grip Thicket's antlers and stare out into the distance.

Scott thought back to the moment his boot crushed Ace's skull. He remembered the crunch of it as his eye popped out of his head. He remembered him looking up and gurgling what he could only assume was why? He didn't understand why he had done what he did, but he didn't regret it. He viewed Ace as a weak link and did what he thought was best for the group. He viewed himself as a hero and prided himself on his strength.

Beck remembered growing up with Ace, thinking back on times in church when they would sneak away and wander the eerie building together. They weren't as close as they used to be but she couldn't believe that he was gone. Just like that one mistake, one wrong step, and he was gone forever. The thought of hurdling toward your almost certain death in a dark empty hole, not knowing when you'd hit the bottom terrified her. It made her stomach clench. 

"We need to stop," She said, holding her stomach. Miles and Abel pulled back on Hyde and Thicket bringing them to a stop as Beck climbed down. Immediately she couldn't hold it in her stomach acid crept up her throat and spewed on the grassy floor where she stood. The rest of the group slowly joined at her side comforting each other as more tears began to roll.

"We should have a funeral," Abel said, placing his hand on Ari's shoulder.

"That isn't a bad idea," Beck said, hoping not to vomit again.

"Well, we'll need a headstone and some flowers, and we'll have to say a few words. Abel said, looking around for anything they could use.

"We should build a cross," Ari said, softly.

"A cross, that's a great idea," Selena said, grabbing two sticks off of the ground.

"Okay, perfect now we all need to go and find a flat stone, we'll stack them near the river in front of the cross," Miles suggested, walking toward the river. Everybody began searching for items around them to place on the grave they were constructing in honor of their lost friend. Selena and Eden picked a few flowers of all different colors. Miles searched for stones and a good spot. Abel tied the two sticks together in the form of a cross. Everyone else prepared the words they wanted to say.

Abel made his way to Miles who was holding eleven flat stones in both hands. The two of them walked along the river in search of a good spot they thought Ace would enjoy.

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