Changing Tides

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Narrowly escaping the throng of people at the high school, the Hendersons navigated through town towards the freeway, bypassing the relentless chaos strewn across the streets.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Miles exclaimed, pounding on his steering wheel as he dodged pedestrians leaping into his path.

"Take the on-ramp at Tempus; it's the quickest route to the nearest shelter," Abel instructed, scrutinizing his phone's GPS for alternative paths.

Veering sharply to the right, Miles avoided the main roads to reach the freeway as swiftly as possible.

"Jesus Christ," Abel murmured under his breath, gazing out the window. The town where they had spent their childhood was now almost beyond recognition, with buildings sporting shattered windows and rampant looting. Desperate fights over food and clothing erupted, and military personnel swarmed the streets.

"What the fuck is happening?" Miles pondered aloud as he observed camouflage jeeps racing down the roads.

"Miles, take this left; we can get around the traffic!" Abel urged, tapping his phone screen insistently. Miles jerked the wheel so forcefully that the tires screeched against the asphalt, leaving trails of burnt rubber.

"Any luck, Amanda?" Miles inquired, glancing at his sister who was frantically ending calls and redialing.

"No response yet," she replied, disconnecting another call.

'"Keep trying!" he shouted, masking his frustration.

"Where to now, Abel?" he asked, his voice tinged with fear and rising anger.

"Turn left up ahead!" Abel yelled in response, clutching the handle above his head. With a swift turn of the wheel, the onramp came into view. Miles pressed down hard on the accelerator, aiming straight for it.

"Everyone brace yourselves!" Miles called out, bracing for impact. The car's undercarriage scraped against the ramp, sending a shower of sparks trailing behind.

Miles hit the brakes upon realizing the freeway was congested with vehicles, bumper to bumper with no end in sight.

"Fuck!" he cursed, pounding his fist on the dashboard. The car screeched to a stop, its rear lifting and skewing slightly to the left.

"Now what?" Abel inquired, peering through the windshield at the gridlock.

"Look there," Miles directed, pointing to a small black sedan a few cars ahead. He recognized his girlfriend's octopus sticker on its rear bumper.

"That's Beck's car. Let's catch up to her on foot and figure out our next move together," he suggested confidently, sure that they could devise a plan as a group. The siblings concurred, seeing no alternative but to proceed by foot.

Miles shifted the car into park, leaving the keys in the ignition before exiting. Abel and Amanda trailed their brother as he made his way toward the sedan, uncertain of their next steps. The surrounding vehicles were immobilized, inching forward sporadically. They walked past numerous cars, some occupied by individuals, others by entire families, all striving to reach safety.

Miles pondered how everyone could reach the shelter and secure sufficient food and rations for survival. As he passed by vehicles, he peered into their windows, empathizing with the occupants. 'What will become of those who don't arrive in time?' he wondered, hoping that additional measures were in place. Trying to dispel the dreadful thoughts of potential outcomes, Miles shook his head and continued towards Beck's car with his companions.

Trailing behind, Amanda fixated on her phone's screen, displaying numerous unanswered messages to her mother. Despite sending over forty texts, there was no reply, leaving her feeling defeated, bewildered, and terrified.

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