
A few days later and Grace was reaching the conclusion she was definitely thinking about Namjoon way too often to be healthy. Especially since all they were was friends. But when she took the time to think about it, their friendship had definitely changed recently. Sara came over a few times a week amongst work and other commitments, Elsbeth and Jin she saw usually once a week. Grace talked to her parents a couple of times a week online but Joon was different. He was with her almost every day and if they weren't together at her house, he was driving her home from an appointment or popping out for a small walk together to pick up medication or to just get some fresh air when the nausea was kicking in. If he couldn't come over, they always talked on the phone, sometimes for hours and more than once, falling asleep mid conversation as they were curled up in their beds. How it had gone from seeing him once or twice a week before the big C to the way they were now seemed to happen really quickly. But Grace found herself checking her phone for messages when she woke up and there was always one from Namjoon with a motivational quote, a wish for a good day or simply a sweet good morning message. And she missed him when he wasn't around. All of it was feeling a little intense for just friendship. Or in all honesty, a lot more intense.

Tonight Sara and Namjoon had come over for another movie marathon. She knew they probably wanted to do something more exciting, it had been weeks of being stuck inside with her while she recovered although they never complained. But there was an errand to run before they clicked play on the movie they'd chosen.

"Of course it's fine," Namjoon was saying, standing up and patting his pockets to find his keys. "I'll be back in half an hour, don't start the movie without me," he said and the door closed behind him.

Sara waited for a moment until she was sure he was gone, staring at the back of the closed door before she turned to Grace with wide eyes. "Oh, he's soooooo smitten!"

"What are you talking about Sara," Grace answered, wriggling on the couch to get more comfortable.

"The moment you said you felt like that specific ice cream, he was ready to go find it for you."

"He's such a good friend, he knows it will make me feel better," Grace hummed, closing her eyes with a smile then opening them again at the silence that flooded the room.

"Do you actually really think that," Sara said, eyebrow raised, confusion on her face.

Grace frowned. "Don't you?"

Sara smacked her hand against her head and rolled her eyes. "You are in denial. Yes he's a good friend but he definitely wants more than that. Smitten for sure, maybe even more. In fact, I think definitely more."

"What do you mean? You couldn't possibly think he's in love with me," Grace asked, eyes huge at her hint.

"Duh," Sara replied, rolling her eyes. "What have I been telling you for the past few months and it's been obvious he has feelings well before that. When you came out of surgery, he was trying to bribe me to be the one to be here when you woke up. He was very insistent."

"And you didn't let him?"

"He might have feelings for you but I'm still your best friend," Sara replied. "But I did help. All those times I couldn't take you to an appointment or pick you up from chemo? I could've but I needed to give Joon a push."

"You set me up? Do you realise I showed him my breasts because you weren't there one day?"

Sara's mouth dropped open. "OK, back up the truck, what? How is me not being there leading to you flashing him?"

"I didn't flash him," Grace said lifting an eyebrow at her friend. "I was too weak after chemo and he helped me get dressed."

"Why does your voice sound like that," Sara said, looking at her closely and Grace blushed under the scrutiny.

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