Personal Bio

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Attention: This version of Teen Titans is heavily altered to fit the character and setting. Certain characters or plotlines will either be rewritten or absent depending on their importance.

Name: Devan Morgan Tennyson

Hero Name: Omni-Boy

Age: 17

Race: Human (Base Form)

Occupation: Vigilante/defacto leader of the Teen Titans

Personality: Before becoming a superhero, Devan was a reclusive individual. Not out of choice, but it seemed apparent that he didn't have many friends growing up. But upon gaining the Omnitrix, Morgan has developed a more confident personality. During combat, he'll occasionally make up childish insults towards his opponents, sometimes getting them to lose focus.

To those he considers friends, Devan Tennyson will try his best to understand and help with anything they're dealing with, even at his own cost at times.

Love interest: Being antisocial for most of his life, Devan isn't experienced with anything like love or compassion in that particular way, however he has developed a soft spot for a particular Tamoranean princess recently.

Family: None of Devan's family members live in Jump City, but he does occasionally meet up with his cousin, Jen. And while he isn't entirely sure, Devan believes his parents to be dead, as he's yet to have tracked them down.

Rival/Enemy: When Devan was around 10 or 11 years old, he met a young street punk named Kevin Levin. And while they were friends for a while, Kevin's criminal behavior only got worse until Morgan finally had enough and got him arrested. Since then, Kevin has a complex feeling of hatred towards Devan, especially now that he has become a hero.

Favorite foods: Due to his unusual upbringing, being raised by his grandfather, Max Tennyson, Devan's pallet includes certain things you can't find on Earth. While he enjoys more human food, including smoothies, chili fries and pizza, Devan has indulged in multiple alien fruits and dishes, one of his personal favorites being a blue version of a hamburger known as a Gloppenbeef sandwich, topped with a purple sauce.

Dislikes: While Devan tries to be friendly with those around him, there are certain things he cannot stand for. For example, his friendship with Kevin Levin was short-lived, after noticing the older boy's criminal tendencies escalating to the point of active violence, something the young Tennyson couldn't stand to be around anymore. On the other hand, Devan has his own interpretation of breaking the law, specifically that any crime that involves hurting or severely inconveniencing someone to be worse than petty theft, and therefore isn't afraid to steal something as long as it doesn't affect anyone else.

Other things Devan has negative feelings about concern more specific concepts, including anything or anyone resembling a clown, as a particularly frightening accident at a county fair gave a 4 year old Devan a fear of clowns that has stuck with him just as tightly as his Omnitrix.

Weaknesses of Omni-Boy include his natural durability being that of a normal human even when in "Suit Mode", a unique costume with its own tools and weapons he uses to hide his identity and fight lesser opponents. Whenever the Omnitrix is in any way rendered unusable, any competent fighter will make short work of Devan, as he is almost completely unskilled in combat without his tools. Additionally, while there are fail-safes and devices installed to defend against foreign software, it can be hacked or tampered with by a skilled enough tech user.

Some alien genes are considered too powerful for Devan to resist, meaning that certain alien forms can have their base instincts take over during specific periods, such as more animalistic races making Devan quick to anger.

Due to the nature of the Omnitrix, any duplicant created will automatically sync with the existing model, granting the second user all of the features provided to Devan. Thankfully however, there doesn't appear to be anyone on Earth smart enough to build their own...

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