The Creek

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Okay, let's make one thing clear here, Pee Pee Creek was in no way, you're typical Creek anymore. This place had become a bustling city with large metal towers shooting out from the ground and well preserved concrete everywhere you could see.

Obtin knew what Pee Pee Creek was from the multiple travellers he had met. "It's a hub for all those lucky enough to have survived the war" was what he had been told by a half man, half crocodile hybrid who had given up on the journey himself.

"So this is it...Pee Pee Creek," exclaimed Obtin as his form reverted back to his human disguise. "It's....sick as fuck!" This sudden exclamation made a few people who had been strolling down the streets for any number of reasons suddenly turn their head towards the newcomer. Some of them had been mutated into hybrids by the strange alien technology that had started the war in the first place, which intrigued Obtin.

After picking himself back up and walking around a bit, Obtin found himself walking through a line of stereotypical palm trees onto a soft and sandy beach. Although he had been walking on sand for many years on his way here, this sand was different. It was neither coarse nor rough and felt as though he was walking onto a cloud itself.

The Beach itself was populated with a wide variety of people and hybrids and everything in-between. There were shark-like humans swimming around in the water along with what seemed to be a medieval Knight wearing full templar armour.

Obtin took a step forward onto the beach bravely, the clothing on his body immediately shifting to fit the sudden change in temperature from the refreshing breeze of the city to the bearable blaze of heat on the beach. A smile crept up onto Obtin's face as he ran about. His first instinct was to go join in on the game of volleyball that seemed to be taking place, but upon remembrance that he had no clue how to play anymore he began to back away from them. The players still smiled in his direction and waved, though, almost bringing  a tear to Obtin's eye.

"Hey! Watch where you're going dude!" Came a voice from behind Obtin as he was reversing

Obtin had accidentally bumped into a pair of people who seemed marginally irritated but not angry with him.  "Shit, sorry," replied Obtin as he began backing up once more.
" good bro?" Replied the shorter of the two strangers (he guessed she was around 5'5, he was strangely good at guessing heights).
"Yeah, no, I'm just....New here" came his reply as he further studied the two. The girl had a distinct mask like marking over her eyes and a pair of small ears on the top of her navy-blue hair that barely reached the bottom of her neck. As she opened her mouth in shock, Obtin noted that she had sharper canines than a regular human.
"You're new? Here?" Responded the taller man, who seemed to be fully human although strangely slightly see through. He was wearing a maroon shirt with some generic band logo on it that Obtin didn't recognise along with a boring pair of jeans that didn't match the girl's more fitting swimsuit.

"Yeah, I uh, just found myself here after passing out somehow? I don't mind, though. I've been trying to get here for years!" Came Obtin's response.
" should come with us" was all the man could say before he led the xenomorbile back onto the street with the girl following along.

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