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Next day :
Again the fucked up routine
I arrived at my first stupid class sat on my place I don't know why but I have no motivation for today class started and I realized iliyas still hasn't arrived I was actually kinda worried don't know why
I swear this teacher won't shut up like we understand it you are boring and can't explain bruhhh
I almost fell asleep until someone came inside you may have guessed it right it was the biggest idiot on earth he came and sat next to me 'good morning jameela' I looked at him questionably who is jameela he just smiled and said you're new  Nick name (teacher): 'bot of you in the back stop talking or you will have detention'
I rolled my eyes 'sorry mister gorfrek'
He continued whit his lesson I then got bored and started thinking why this man's last name is gorfrek
Jameela do you know what page we are
I looked at him with a are you serious look
page 671 he then started searching for his book in his bag after realizing he was looking in the wrong book out of nowhere I could smell this disgusting coffee smell mixed with sweat I literally almost threw up I tried ignoring the smell but it got worser by the minut I then realized where it came from it was gorfrek he was staring at Iliyas he then screamed  'you detention' iliyas looked really confused 'wait what have I even done just because I'm a foreigner right ' he got really annoyed and I could see that he  wanted to beat up this rat looking man 'talking back huh' I was literately gonna die of the smell I tried to cover my nose with my hijab and then the rat got even madder you miss Eda you will join you're friend in detention my eyes widened 'what did I even do' 'well both of you have detention today' he pointed at iliyas you have detention because you don't have you're books with you and little miss you have detention because of the fact that you are distracting people we both were looking at him with a are you serious look I then murmured 'you can just say that you're racist'
What do yall think so far

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