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"The Tulkuns arrived!" Khalo jumped into the gossip group, pulling Neteyam up.

Neteyam shared a short, confused look with the others before he left with Khalo.

He knew it was a big deal, but as he heard the gong and saw all the Na'vi running to the water, he was slightly confused. He imagined it being less stressful.

"Common, I bet Fa'ye is already waiting!" Khalo jumped into the water, Neteyam closely following him. Neteyam liked to be Khalo's 'Puppy', as Lo'ak once called him.

"Is Fa'ye your Tulkun?" He asked, following Khalo deeper into the water as Mameí and Rahil arrived next to them. As if they were waiting.

"Hi." Neteyam greeted Rahil. "You're so beautiful." He whispered as he patted her head, slowly, forming Tsaheylu.

She reminds me of my Ikran. They have similar colours.

Khalo remembered. Of course, he did remember. He had to. If he hadn't, he would have been a bad friend. A bad boyfriend. Wouldn't he?

Neteyam doesn't think that way, but Khalo does.

Khalo's a little overthinker when it comes to stuff like that. He feared Neteyam could leave him.

Not that he ever would. Not in his own will.

"Look! She's over there." Khalo called out as he connected to Mameí.

"You're so slow, bro. Be that slow when you're old as Granny." Lo'ak threw at them as he and Tsireya rushed past them. Tsireya giggled.

'Stop acting like you know what Granny means.' Khalo scoffed internally as he and Neteyam slowly started to move.

They passed many Na'vi playing with their Tulkuns on their way to Fa'ye, they even spotted some babies with their mothers swimming with an Ilu.

Neteyam was fascinated. He never saw this beauty of the sea. The peace he used to feel watching the forest.

Khalo watched him. He saw that he was thinking about something, but wasn't able to make out what. He shook his head and kept looking for Fa'ye.

"Look, there she is." Khalo said, pointing ahead.

"She's beautiful." Neteyam whispered. As they, now faster, neared Fa'ye.

Khalo nodded, gliding off of Rahil slowly swimming to Fa'ye.

"Hi." He signed.

'Who's that boy? He looks beautiful.'

Khalo laughed, glancing behind him, spotting Neteyam a few meters back. He supposed it was a way to show respect.

"You could at least greet me. He's Neteyam. He's from the forest. His family came to us a few weeks ago. They needed to stay with us." Khalo signed while Fa'ye and he slowly glided underwater, without even noticing. It was somewhat of an instinct.

'Is he good to you? You look grateful.' Fa'ye also watched Neteyam. He did not follow underwater, but still waited.

"He is. Come meet him." Khalo signed before he went up. As expected, Fa'ye followed him.

"Neteyam, this is Fa'ye. She's my spirit sister." Khalo introduced them.

"I'm Neteyam, it's good to see you. Khalo talks about you sometimes." Neteyam tried to sign back.

Khalo smiled at his try. He had taught Neteyam sign language over the pastime, but it was still not good enough to 'speak' fluently. He signed slowly, as he always thought about what he needed to sign next.

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