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"When I'm older, I want to be super strong! And a mighty warrior like you!"

Tonowari smiled at his oldest son. He knew that Khalo would be a way better warrior than him, when he was older. He would be as strong as his twin brother Ao'nung. But Tonowari decided not to tell Khalo or Ao'nung. they had to find out by themselves.

"And what about Love, son? Do you want to get mated when you're older?"
He asked. Tonowari was really interested in Khalos opinion on Love. He knew how Ao'nung wanted to get a strong Woman and children in his future, but Khalo never talked about that sort of thing.

"I don't need love." Khalo responded. "I'll be strong enough for two Warriors."

Tonowari laughed. "You know, love isn't just fighting together. It's also talking about the interests you have. And being there for each other, no matter what."

The young boy seemed to think about what his father has just said.

"Mh, maybe then I want love. But just because I want it, it doesn't mean I get it, so why think about that."

"You're right. You are way too young to think about love. Just tell me when there is a specific girl you like, okay?"

Khalo eyes got bigger, before he looked at his father with very small eyes.

"I don't want a girl. I want a boy! Boys are way better than girls. I'm gonna talk to Momma about this."

The boy giggled, just to turn around and run off in the directions his mother was last seen.

"Oh boy, Khalo only 6 and already sure he's gay.. So proud that my children know what they want." Tonowari mumbled to himself before he turned to his other son Ao'nung who was talking to a young girl.


"Momma, Momma!"

"Yes Khalo?" Ronal said, turning around to her son and picking him up.

"I want to mate a boy!" Ronal was at first a little confused about what her firstborn had just said. Khalo was never the Boy to speak about Love.

"Do what you think is right, but don't you think you're a little too young to mate? You know you only can mate once in your whole life. So think carefully about who you wanna spend the rest of your life with, okay?"

Khalo rolled his eyes and mumbled a small "mhmh", before he began to play with his mother's Hair.

Ronal, who was standing at the moment, sat down and began to organize her fishes. She loved doing that.

"Is there a boy you wanna talk about?" She asked, cautious, to not scare the boy away.

"No." Khalo simply said, too focused on his mother's Hair.

"Then why did you tell me?" Ronal asked interested. She was a little curious that her mate Tonowari might have said something dumb.

"I was talking to Dad about it, and he said 'specific girl' but I don't like girls! I want to be mated to a boy!"

"Okay, so then let's find you a cute boy, who loves you as much as you deserve to be loved."

Ronal said, finally finishing her fish organization.

"No! I want to play with Ao'nung!" Khalo said, trying to get out of his mother's arms, to run back to his father, where Ao'nung was sitting on the beach. Ronal let him go, and looked after him.

"That boy is growing way too fast.."


"I hate you time's infinity Lo'ak!" Kiri screamed at her Brother. Neteyam was sitting a little further from his younger siblings, watching this whole scene.

He was never part of their arguments. He was always the one to solve them, if neither Jake nor Neytiri were there to do it.

Neteyam stood up, and went down the tree, on his way to find his mother. His father was sitting on the tree watching his siblings, he knew that, but his mother was always everywhere and nowhere.

"Mom?" He asked a little Atokirina flying around. The Atokirina flew shortly in one direction, before it kept swinging in the direction it had before.

"Thanks" he said before running in that direction.

"Mom! Mom!" Neteyam ran into his mother, who was talking to Mo'at.

"Yes Neteyam?" She gave a little sorry look to her mother before turning to her oldest son, bending down.

"Hi." Neteyam smiled.

"Hi." Neytiri smiled back. Sometimes her oldest son was a mystery to her. He was very random or speaking in words mixed up between the language of the Na'vi and English.

"What are you doing?" Neteyam asked, walking around her legs.

"I was talking to your grandmother." Neytir answered, being a little confused about how random her son was this time.

"About what?"

"About the Sky people who are on our side." Neytiri said with a little disgust. She never made a big secret about what she thought about the Sky people.


"Neteyam I have to go hunt, don't you wanna go to your fathe-"

"I think Spider likes Kiri." Neteyam said, looking at a small tree, which seemed to be just growing.

"What?" Neytiri asked confused.

"I see how he looks at her. But Kiri never returns that look. Maybe it's one-sided Love." Neteyam started to speak and wandering around that little Tree.

"You know much about love, who thought you?" Neytiri asked, trying to ignore the fact that the human stray dog, was eventually loving her only daughter.

"Lo'ak always asks father about it. And the most of the time I'm with them, so I have to hear all that. It's very boring." Neteyam now began to sniff on the tree.

"And are you in Love?" Neytiri said, trying to ignore that her son, is sniffing a tree. Much to ignore.

"No. I don't have anyone to be in love with." Neteyam said, walking away from the tree to start looking up at the sky, spinning in a circel.

"Why is there no one?" Neytiri asked, grabbing Neteyam's hand to stop him from spinning.

"Everyone in my life is either my family or Spider."

"Well, you have a lot of time left in your life, enough time to fall in love with a beautiful someone." Neytiri said, very glad about the fact that her oldest son wwas not interested in dating the street boy.

"Come Neteyam, I'm going to teach you how to hunt."

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