Jack: "Great, I get to deal with the psycho..." Jack says annoyed.

Red: "Don't act like he doesn't get your dick hard" Red says smugly, trying to get a reaction out of Jack.

General Ruby: "Please remain professional and set aside your differences, please bring back the no-fur." I demanded.



(Jack's POV)

I look around at my squad the 4 of us sitting quietly letting the driver focus.

Jax: "Is this no-fur really this important?" The small shark says with concern.

Emile: "Is the black and white shark scared of some simple no-fur?" A fennec fox mocks with a shit eating grin.

Jack: "I would be scared of him." I say quickly, I get a weird look from my team in return.

Emile: "You're a massive dragon who benches like 400+ pounds and you're scared of him?" The fennec says surprised.

Jack: "If you saw what I had to watch then you'd be shitting bricks." I say in a serious tone.

Jayce: "A serious Jack is something we rarely see, please listen to him." The white fur wolf says as he focuses on driving.

Emile: "Come on! How big can this asshole be!" The Fennec jokes.

I stay quiet as I watch the road closely with Jayce

Jayce: "What did you see?" The wolf says quietly but quickly, trying to maintain pure focus on the road.

Jack: "A man who gave no mercy" I quietly reply.

I ignore the two in the back arguing over something stupid, after about 5 minutes I notice the MRAP and bunker with a man standing out in front.

Jayce: "What the fuck..." The wolf says worried.

General Ruby: *He should be outside the bunker* General Ruby says over the radio.

We park a few feet behind the empty MRAP and get out of our own. I walk up towards the human to notice he is fucking huge.

Jax: "Wanna go say hi to him Emile" The shark jokes at the now shocked fennec.

We point out guns at him, the no fur does not even react but has his hands up.

Emile: "M-maybe you can go ask him on a date you faggot" Emile says with venom at the shark.

Jack: "You're coming with us!" I shout to the no-fur 

The human began to walk towards me until he was right in front of me, he was much larger than me but was noticeably shaking. 

???: "I... I'm so sorry..." 

???: "I didn't wanna kill them..." He says very shakily which takes me by surprise.

He doesn't seem very mature

Jax: "Good soldiers follow orders, You did good today." Jax says trying to comfort them only for the human to look down in shame.

Emile: "Good job Jax dumbass..." The fennec says very annoyed.

I hear a small click only for the bunker to explode which completely shook the ground making us all fall on our ass. I notice I fell on top of the no fur who noticeably is staring at me even through his combat goggles.

Flesh and Furजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें