I just hope you'll have a little love to spare

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Many things change with the seasons but one thing that never changed for was Jesper's love for Wylan and neither did Wylan's love for Jesper, they were young, happy and in love and that was all that mattered. But beyond the sanctuary of their estate was a place that everyone had been taught to fear, Hellgate was the biggest prison in the land and it was here that Wylan's father was being held for attempted Murder of his own son, Jesper and Kaz had gone with Wylan to the courthouse the day that his father was trialled and sentenced to life in prison and as his father was dragged away he spoke "You won't be safe from me forever boy, I will get out and when I do I will find you and kill you but not before making your gunslinger watch as I degrade you" those words stayed in Wylan's head hidden in the dark fog of his mind, coming out most nights to torment him.

Most morning's Jesper woke with Wylan sleeping peacefully beside him his hair sticking up and his face looking peaceful, but this morning Jesper woke and saw Wylan's side of the bed was empty he panicked looking around the room before his ears heard the noise of retching coming from the bathroom. Jesper got out of bed and quickly walked to the bathroom door he stopped and knocked on the white wooden door as he said 'Wylan my love is everything okay, can I come in is that okay', there was a short moment of silence before Wylan replied 'You can come in, but I should warn you I look awful'.

Jesper pushed the bathroom door open and walked in, Wylan looked up at him from where he sat on the floor near the toilet he hid his face in his hands and said 'Why are you looking at me I look awful', Jesper crouched down in front of Wylan and moved his hands away from his face and replied 'Well I happen to think you look beautiful even with sick on your night shirt. How are you feeling now my darling'. Wylan loved how caring Jesper was, he leaned into Jesper's chest getting comfort from hearing the sound of Jesper's heart beating, Wylan softly said 'I feel better now that I've thrown up, hopefully it's just something I ate'.

After a few minutes Wylan felt okay to get back into bed, it was still early so Jesper got back into bed beside him and wrapped his left arm around Wylan pulling him into his chest. As Wylan lay there in his husband's warm embrace he felt a feeling in his stomach that was both strange but also nice, Jesper smiled at the sight of his husband looking so happy and content before saying 'You look so peaceful there my beautiful star but Kaz has summoned us to the crow club, no doubt he wants to blow up another rival gang club'. 


It was a cold winters day in Ketterdam and the streets were starting to glisten with patches of Ice making the cobbled streets slippery and dangerous. After leaving their horses in the stables Jesper and Wylan began walking towards the crow club, Wylan stopped outside the Physicians Jesper stopped and said 'My love are you okay' Wylan smiled and said 'I'm okay my love, but I've just remembered that I need to get some more Black Powder so why don't you go on ahead I'll catch you up'. 

Jesper felt abit hesitant about leaving Wylan on his own but the crow club wasn't far away so he knew Wylan wouldn't be long, Jesper kissed Wylan on the lips and said 'Are you sure you don't want me to wait with you' Wylan kissed Jesper back and said 'No It's okay I'll be fine I have my knife with me incase of trouble'.

Once Jesper had walked into the crowds Wylan headed into the Physicians the woman behind the desk said 'Hello young man what can I do for you', Wylan felt nervous as he said 'Would it be possible to see the Physician I think I could be pregnant'. The woman rang the bell on the desk and the physician appeared in the doorway he was probably the same age as Jesper but not as good looking, he held his hand up and said 'Come through boy, take a seat on the bed I'm just going to ask you a few questions', Wylan walked into the Physicians room which smelt of disinfectant and blood Wylan sat on the bed as the Physician sat in the chair behind the desk he looked at Wylan and said 'So I overheard you telling the woman at the desk that you think your pregnant, so the first question I'm going to ask you is are you one of those pretty boys that work in the red district'.

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