CHAPTER :12 Right Punishment

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Zaidie's training after that went without a hitch for six months. She didn't get to face any weird thing or abnormalities from Mr. Wolfie. She always attends her training session and she has noticeable progress in her shooting skills. In these months, she honed herself in it but not as confident as in her medical skills. Winters were a little tough as it snowed a lot. Now, she has a very good bonding with Mr. Wolfie except that his pheromones never meant this to her.

Wolf's Den has now become her new home and it's members are her new family. She got exceptionally shocked once she found out that Kyrie was married, to an engineer and an alpha. Zaidie spotted them with her outing with them and their PDA was giving her goosebumps. When she expressed her thoughts, "I'd rather leave him than do this cringe". Kyrie replied, "We'll see".

New soldiers got recruited in this interval of time. When she asked Louis about it, she found that they have to give an exam and physical test. Exam can be completed with regular studies but physical test is difficult to crack. As one of the best combatant organization, of course getting in it won't be easy.

Now she is going to her half yearly training session of 8days. As previously requested and onlooking fellow doctors health and security, the commander approved by her suggestion but only this much. Still, she is grateful for him. Although she haven't met him yet, from her observation, he is good superior for his underlings.

New recruited ones are very enthusiastic. There are also few girls in them. Anyone of them can watch medical staff's training and it is the last day of it.

Zaidie entered the training grounds. Most of the medical staff was present. They all wore black combatant suits with white narrow lines on it's straps and red color plus sign on shoulder so that one can differentiate.

They are now laughing and chatting with new recruited trainees as it is the last day of the training. They all scatter here and there after each day of training like lifeless bodies. Some people will be needing help to reach there dorm.

Zaidie approached and patted Kyrie's shoulder, "How is your muscle soreness today Kyrie?". Kyrie turned and replied, "There is nothing such that but to tell you the truth", she leaned in and whispered in dejectedly, "I want to go back as after training I won't be able to". Zaidie chuckled, "Just bear with it for today". Kyrie scoffed, "What about you? You seem to adapt with it quite well".

Zaidie denied, " Well, not really. I too get muscle soreness but had to bear with it."

Kyrie, "Brace yourself together. It is the last day after all."

Zaidie nudged her with her elbow and they both started laughing.

Suddenly, a tap on her shoulder interrupted her. Upon looking, Zaidie found it was non other than Tyler.

Tyler has a special kind of interest in Zaidie, which she doesn't like. He teases, cracks weird jokes, appears at her cabin feigning illness and most importantly, he cracks jokes about her secondary gender which irritates Zaide the most and her conscience always tells her to teach him a lesson in one go so that, he will never approach her but, she holds back as she is senior. Tells herself that the strongest is who forgives one.

Zaidie fake smiled and asked, "What is it Tyler?". He replied, "If you don't mind, can I join in as well?"

Before she could speak Kyrie spoke, "Sure. The more the merrier."

The main problem, he is god in everyone's eyes but has an exceptional kind of problem with Zaidie so, everyone like him except her.

Tyler smiled, "What were you talking though?"

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