Preparation stage

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"Oh my God,look at this"

Admiral Franklin watched over the enormous fleets of C-5,C-130 and C-17 on their way to Jeju,of course they weren't alone,many B-2 and B-52 flying in formation,F-35,F-22,F-15 follow as escort.However,in the central,the mighty once-fallen Aigaion spread its shadow upon the water,completely oversized compared to the others,it was just a day passed after the last attack at Shanghai,and the Osean,American,Japanese,Australian is gathering at the island in the south of Korean Peninsula,ready for a landing attack.

"857 cargo planes in all size,can you believe it?"-the American colleague glued is face at the window-"half millions men,and the finest equipments from both nation,plus the support from Yellowstone and Aigaion,I don't trust anything aside from our victory"

"Don't be too cocky,take a drink,Mr.Houston,long time no see,six months,marking half a year the country of Osea got introduced to this world,a lot has changed,hasn't it?

"I expected the US would get into war against China and Russia too,glad that Osea picked our side"

"No problem,we shared many similarity,if we don't help each other,the Russia will eventually point their gun at our head,siding with the US is a good choice"

The two admirals look outside of the window again.They will have three days from now to rest,before the coalition puts their first step into continental China.The greatest landing in human history shall be commenced,if all things goes according to the plan.

"God is on our side,I hope so"


The F-15Js and P-3Bs of the JASDF get pull out from the hangar,clear their space for the massive number of aircraft coming from Osean mainland,and that wasn't enough,many F-35s have to be placed outside of the base,where a small runway was built to accommodate them.

Of course,being counted as very high tech aircrafts,the Wyvern were still stay in hangar,except that two X-02S will shared same hangar.Long Caster's E-3 was outside,while the ADFX-10 got her own place.

"It has been the whole night"-Mobius lying down at her bed,the last night was tired,they were told to have a good rest,but the sound from the loud engines of F-22s and F-15s kept her awake until morning,the only positive thing is that she doesn't have to works,for now.At least until Trigger ruined it.

"Ameri,wake up,Long Caster told me that we have to get in the briefing room,fast"-her next room neighbor knocks on the door.


The sun is already high,but the aircrafts haven't stopped arriving.From the third floor of the dorm,Mobius can count that there are at least sixteen aircrafts on the front of the facility alone.Which mean there is far more in the center and the runway,up total three hundred might not be exaggerated.However,this was not the largest base yet,Juju,Taipei,Seoul and Nagasaki might even more.That's just the air force,with the Kestrel II fleet right on the coastline,they can guessed that Vulture II and her escorts is somewhere near.

"Good morning,everyone"-Long Caster is sitting somewhere in the row of chairs.Usually,he would be the one standing at the front and giving command,but today,the one standing where he stood is no one other than the base commander himself.

"What is happening"-asked Talisman

"Everybody,sit down and be quiet,lock that door"-the commander order to check the security before he talks-"No information is allowed to leak out of here,got it?Three days later,United States of America,Osean Federation,Japan and Commonwealth of Australia,along with support from Republic of Korea,Taiwan and New Zealand will commence an assault in the harbor city of Shanghai"

Osea in our worldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora