Gathering the audience and The reveal of Spider-Man

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A bright white light brought various people from across the universe of Honkai Star Rail, enveloping them and bringing them to a realm where time stopped and outside the room is a vast array of space!

When the gathered people were brought in they all woke up either groaning, moaning, or dizzy.

When some of them came to they were shocked at seeing wanted criminals there with them as they began to summon their weapons.

Blade: "Dan Heng!!!" He growled out in anger.

Dan Heng looked at Blade and glared at him, while twirling his weapon.


Stelle grew alarmed at seeing Dan Heng like this. "Dan Heng? What's going on?"

March looked around and saw some people from Jarilo-VI and Herta's Space Station.

March: "Wait what are you all doing here?!?"

She announced loudly that everyone turned to her as she awkwardly smiled.

Serval then comes over with Gepard to stop in front of them.

Serval: "Well if it isn't the heroes of Belobog! Glad to see your all doing well!" She commented with a smile.

Gepard: "Yes it's really nice to see you three again."

Natasha then walked up along with Hook. "Hehe, nice to see you three are doing well!"

Hook them spoke up happily. "Big sister Stelle! Idiot March! And Cool Dragon Young! It's nice to see you all again!"

March then got annoyed by that comment. "Hey! I'm not an idiot!"

Dan Heng simply smirked. "You're an airhead."

Stelle and Natasha started laughing at seeing March's face.

As everyone greeted each other again the giant movie screen turned on as everyone looked at it confused before the table near them had a piece of paper in it as someone grabbed it.

Serval then started reading it. "Welcome everyone, to my realm where you will all watch the life of someone who will become important in your lives when he finds his way into your universe. Who will change most of your lives for the better. This is someone only one person knows but changed their looks so that the person you'll all be watching wouldn't be targeted by her enemies."

When she paused, she looked around and saw everyone paying attention before she continued.

Serval: "This person will actually have a few, if not all of you fall in love with him... no it won't be forced or'll be genuine caring ladies...better pay attention! Also to just let you all know, when your watching said young man's double life, one of you will be sent to his world for a few hours, to explore and find out what kind of person he is. But be careful....he has many enemies...who would want nothing but to kill him. So for those of you who are weak to seeing some.... grotesque and Gorey stuff, there will be earmuffs and blindfolds to cover your ears and eyes so you won't be scarred. Please note, these are unable to come off when anything like that or...." Serval then blushed red not continuing the sentence which made her brother look at her.

Gepard: "Serval? What is it? Is it something bad?"

She shook her head while blushing and looking at everyone there. "Are you all sure you want to hear this? Because I'm not sure if you all would want to erase it from your memory."

Stelle then spoke up smiling. "Whatever it is, we can handle it! It's not like it's inappropriate or anything like that!"

A few agreeing with her made Serval sigh then look at them. "Alright don't say I didn't warn you..." she then continued reading where she left off "adult scenes appear on the screen. Which I'm sure will make you all uncomfortable, turned on, or faint from seeing what's happening. So if any of you need to have earmuffs and blindfolds on at any part during the viewing, just say it and they'll appear on you. Anyways, good luck! And I hope you all will enjoy the life of Jose Parker! PS. Id you need to eat or drink, there will be a food court to get some food and drinks, or if you want to drink alcohol, there's also a bar, filled with rare, and exotic wine and different kinds of alcohol. Also if you need to use the restroom, there will be two doors on your right, for you all to use before the starting or ending of every viewing!" With that said everyone sat down on their seats as the screen then began to play.

Honkai Star Rail watches Spider-Man (Reaction Self Insert)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin