you should sit down for this (angst)

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Noah, pov

I walked up to the nurse, I was hopeful that Cody was alive.

"erm.. sir, your gonna wanna sit down for this."

When she led me back to my chair I knew something was up. I felt all the hope drain from my body.

"Cody, he's.. not with us anymore."

The nurses words rang threw out my head 'he's not with us anymore' 'he's not with us anymore' 'he's not with us anymore'

I cried into my hands, Gwen seemed to have already gotten the news. She was rubbing my back while also crying lightly.

Cody was so nice, he was adorable, he knew how to cheer up anybody and make them smile after a hard day... but now.. I'll never see that sweet smile of his ever again

I wont have him to talk to if I need a laugh.

My best friend is dead now. And there's nothing I can do.

Then, something new starts ringing in my ears. 'It was your fault, Noah. If you had never met him, if you had never gone on total drama Cody would still be here.' The voice was loud and hard to ignore.. that's fucking it im not dealing with the rest of this Greif thing.

I got up and went to my car. I drove threw traffic and to a near by building. I wanted to be with Cody and this where the easiest way to do so. I looked down, I could already hear Cody's voice again. Then, I jumped. The wind was blowing up against my face, I could feel my tears turn into tears of joy as the ground got closer, then all of a sudden


Total drama groupchat!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora