I GOT DOXXED BY 6!! (angst!)

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here's the tws!: Angst, s/h mentions, sexual assault, sexual abuse, suicide mentions, stalking, harassment, doxxing, and minor homophobia. Do not read this chapter if any of these trigger you!!!!!

(Also I do project a TINY WINY bit. So ignore anything that seems out of character for Cody!!)
Cody Anderson pov:

I stared at my phone. The group chat was as active as hell. But one message stuck out. "I'm gonna head over Cody:)" it was from... Sierra? That's... odd. I blocked her and she doesn't even know my house address!

I didn't think much of it until she tagged some stupid tumblr page. "HTTPS//Www.sierras_tdi_acc//tumblr.com" odd. I clicked on the link, not expecting much. But my heart sank when I read her most reason post.

"EEEK!!! HERES MY CODYKINS HOME!!! ^_^_^_^_^_^ HIS ADDRESS IS _____" I panicked. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. She had fucking doxxed me.

(I got doxxed by 6😞)

Sure, it was hard enough to deal with a stalker but this is to fucking much.... She was bad enough to the point where if I made any  close friends she'd either tell them to kill themself or slash their writs. Which she has made me consider doing both. When I had first met her, sure I felt minor butterflies.. but the second I saw her REAL personality, you can trust me I hated it.

I heard my doorbell go off. I had to get the door as my parents weren't home they never really where home..

the scary thing is I don't even know my own moms name. That's how much they where away. When I was younger I'd have nanny's that would take care of me instead of my parents. Which was okay, because when my parents where home all they'd do  is ignore me and fight. Of course, the second I learned how to make myself a grilled cheese sandwhich, and could reach the fridge, they stopped hiring nanny's.

I opened the door. The rain was pouring down, I saw a soaking wet... Sierra at the door. She smiled and invited herself in.

"HEY HEY!!- GET OUT SIERRA!" I screamed but she didn't listen

"wow cody.. you have such a nice house! Of course I knew that but it's much better from the inside instead of from the windows!" Sierra giggled at her comment

I was disgusted. Not only had Sierra BEEN stalking me for only god knows how long, but she also was peeking threw my windows? Literally watching me? Ew!

"What the fuck. Sierra. Deal with it, I don't like you." I was pissed, and I wanted to get rid of Sierra once and for all.

"... then who do you like? HM??"

I panicked. I didn't wanna tell her that!

(I bet you can guess who he likes)

"Sierra... uh.." I started.

(I'm not saying slurs my school can probably see this💔)

And just like that, the same reaction my parents had when I came out as bi and trans. They screamed and me, and treated me like more of an outcast at a public school than their child. I winced at her words. feeling tears well up in my eyes

I sniffed. "Sierra.. get out.. NOW." I screamed at her with my full chest, my tears burning threw my skin.

As Sierra left, she said one last thing. "KILL YOURSELF F4G!!!!"

as she left, I thought about what she said. Maybe I should take sierras advice for once...

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