Cosmo story

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Cosmo explain the whole situation about the metarex as she sobbed on her shoulder

"Its alright non of it was your fault." Rainbow patted her back while they both stayed in the hallway

Cosmo finally calmed down and thanked rainbow for the reassurance as she said no problem

Suddenly the hallway began flashing red as a siren followed with it

What the" rainbow said as Cosmo went against her

I-it's the metarex" Cosmo stuttered out

What do you mean ?!" Rainbow asked before a alien like robot appeared infront of them

Before rainbow kicked it down

What is that ?!"

A metarex" Cosmo said in fear

You know why there here ?" Rainbow asked as More began approaching

Shit" rainbow shielded Cosmo as she whispered

F-for you." Cosmo said as her jewelry began glowing rainbow eyes widen

What do they want from me?!" Rainbow began kicking more metarex down

Your power." Cosmo spoke as a metarex got on rainbow while she was distracted

The metarex was on top of her on the ground as it accidentally hit rainbow injured wing as she winced at the sharp feeling

Rainbow !" A voice was heard before a blue blur smashed the metarex that was once above her

It was sonic, he turned to rainbow with a worried expression before turning to face his enemies

I got it just get Cosmo safe" sonic demanded helping rainbow off the ground

No you do that, they're after me." Rainbow said as sonic seemed bewildered

It's a lot, but get Cosmo and go." Rainbow said as she fought countless metarexs

Rainbow suddenly began to feel tired although she couldn't think why

Was it cosmo ? Rainbow thought

Sonic once again fought rainbow attacker as rainbow seemed a bit mad

Stop ! They're after me !" Rainbow shouted

Well I'm always gonna be here I ain't leaving you alone." Rainbow eyes widen in a bit of suprise but shook it off

Well let's kick some ass then blue boy." Rainbow said smiling

Sonic and Rainbow dash Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora