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"The metarex, eh ?"

"Yes they're very dangerous." Tails warned as a green plant looking girl appeared with a red jewelry on her chest

Rainbow stared at her as the red jewelry seemed more like a camera with the way it reflected, but she remained silent

"Sorry I'm excusing myself." Rainbow lightly smiled as she walked away to the hallway

She just couldn't get that sensation of being watch when around her

Rainbow sat against the wall trying to clear her head

"She can't be the bad guy there's no way." Rainbow thought

"You feel it to ?" Rainbow swiftly glanced up to see shadow as if his voice wasn't noticeable enough

Rainbow looked at the ground in responds as shadow sat beside her

"Does she have to do with the metarex ?" Rainbow stared at shadow as he nodded

Rainbow sighed

"What are you planning ?"

Shadow ears perked up a bit as he tilted his head

"I just assumed y'all are planning something if you teleported here out of no where."

Shadow kept strong eye contact

"She is with the metarex, the metarex knows everything that she sees and hears thanks to the jewelry on her chest."

"But it's not like she chose to ?"

Shadow eyes furrow before bumping the back of his head against the wall behind

They both sighed

"As much as it may bother you that she works with the enemy, she's still a little girl who couldn't control what they did with her."

Shadow met eyes with rainbow as they just stared at each other

"What's her name ?"

"Cosmo I believe." Shadow replied

"That's a pretty name."

Shadow lightly smiled as rainbow did the same

"So there isn't a way to get rid of it ?"

"No it's connect to her body."

"So it might damage her head ?"

Shadow lightly nodded

Rainbow head leaned against the wall behind her as her eyes shut while she sighed

Shadow was admiring her facial features till rainbow open her eyes looking directly at him

shadow swiftly looked the other way

"You needa be more slick then that." Rainbow chuckled as shadow ears were tinted pink

"Well it was nice talking to you, thanks for teleporting to me out of no where."

"I believe your dismissing the little brawl we had not long ago ?" Shadow lightly smirked

"Thanks to you I can't fly." Rainbow joked as shadow had a worried expression

He touch her wing to examine it before rainbow smacked him with it

"I'm just kidding, just don't test me again." Shadow was going to cuse but remained silent

"Fine I'm sorry." Shadow quietly spoke

"Well you should go back to your egg master now," rainbow cackled as she stood up whileshadow seemed pissed

"But hey, please don't hurt that little girl." Rainbow stared at shadow as he kept eye contact without saying a word and stood an inch above her

Rainbow placed her wings on his shoulders as he didn't say a word

"Nevermind." Rainbow took her wings off his shoulders as she turned

"Fine, I won't hurt her."

Rainbow looked at shadow and smilied as he did the same

"Goodnight." Shadow said before using chaos control

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