Samsung- Tutor ❤️‍🔥

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Hyunjin was pretty smart. His grades were above average, but he didn't spend all of his free time reading books and studying. He liked to go out and party, drink, and mess around with anyone who was willing to. Jisung, on the other hand, was not quite as academically gifted as hyunjin was, failing a majority of his classes with a now high chance of being kicked. The board decided to give him one last shot by giving him a tutor. Hyunjin.


Hyunjin sat at his desk that he shared with two other classmates, Yeji and Keeho.  Each jotting down notes, Yeji making the notes colorful and neat, Keeho doodling on the sides of his paper as he subsided from his notes a while ago, and hyunjin who was already finished, now sketching in his sketchbook.Yah, hyunjin," Keeho whispered, nudging the older with his elbow. "Hmm?"

"Wanna finish my notes for me?" He wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

"Nah, I think I'm good." He smiled to Keeho before focusing on his sketch again.

"I'll do them for you, Keeho." Yeji reached her hand out to Keeho.

"I think I'd rather have my ancestors do them." He shoved the papers into his backpack.

"Hyunjin, can I have one of those papers, I'm bored." He rested his head in his hand, his elbow holding all the wait onto the desk.

"Just so you can doodle pointless and wacky lines all over the paper and call it art? I think not." Hyunjin said.

"Come on, I watched a couple of tiktoks on how to draw small things, I wanna show you. Come on, just one, please, hyunjin!"

Hyunjin sighed, "Use notebook paper first. If I approve, I'll give you a piece of mine."

Keeho quickly started doodling on his paper, from hyunjins perspective, many small drawings.

"Hwang Hyunjin?" The three students looked up.

"Yes, Mr. Baek?"

"Head principle needs you in his office. Take your things with you, class ends soon." The teacher walked off with his hands in his pockets before ranting about finishing up notes instead of doodling.

"See ya, Hyun." Yeji waved him off.

( *= whispering)

*What would I need to be in the office for? I have above average grades, and I haven't been involved in anything that I shouldn't be. It can't be about scholar ships or anything. That's not for another month...* He whispered to himself after he left the class.

*Maybe it's for tutoring? Hopefully, it's not with someone aggravating, I'd kill myself if I was given someone like that to tutor... I mean, imagine -*

"Can you not talk to yourself like that? It's fuckin annoying."

"Huh? Oh, sorry." He looked over to his right where a boy just shorter than him was walking beside him.

At first glance, he looks completely worn out and messy. Second glance, he still looks messy, but not entirely messy, like that's what he wanted to look like.

"What? You wanna fuck me or something?" He yelled out.

"No.. I'm just curious."

"Curious about what?" He sighed heavily.

"Are you headed to Mrs. Joo's office, too?"

"...Yes. what about you? Heading there cause you beat someone up for scribbling in your diary, princess?" The other smirked, putting his hands in the pocket of the large blue hoodie.

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