Hug me all day- Minchan🩷

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Plot: Minho was feeling unwell since he woke up. Bangchan called in from work and aided him throughout the day, cuddling with him and making warm soup to soothe his throat and more.

Minho woke up expecting a normal morning, stretching his body to wake up his resting muscles, yawning as he woke up. But that wasn't the case.

The awakening man was immediately greeted with a pounding and irresistible headache. He whined and moaned in pain, his hands massaging his temples to receive some pain.

"Chan.." Minho called out. With no response, minho cried out in pain, waiting a moment just in case chan was on his way silently.

"Chanie?.." Minho called out again, his voice getting raspy.

He waited in pain before realizing Chan probably wasn't even here. It was a Monday, and Chan works Mondays. He whined and cried loudly. The pain is unbearable and brings tears and frustration to the man. He stressfully looked for his phone on his bed and called Chan once he found it.

*"What's up, babe?"* Chan asked in a quiet voice as he picked up the phone.

"Chanie... My head hurts really bad! I don't know what to do please come home.." Minho sobbed into the phone, hearing the other let out a short gasp.

*"A-alright.. lay down for me, okay? I need to clock out first, then I'll be there soon."* Chan seemed to have been scrambling with his things on the other end.

"Please don't hang up, Chanie. It hurts too bad, I don't wanna hang up." Minhos whines started hurting his lover on the other end of the line.

*"I won't. I'll stay on until im right by your side, babe. I promise."*
Chan quickly made his way to the house. Rushing inside the door and to their bedroom where he heard the olders cries and sobs more clearly, nearly shattering his heart into pieces.

"Oh my baby. Come here." Chan said, sitting next to him on the bed. Minho pushed himself into the older arms.

"Chanie.. please help me make it stop! It hurts so much it feels like my head is gonna explode." He cried into Chan's chest, his raspy voice scratching against his throat.

"Let's go to the bathroom, we'll dunk your feet in warm water, and I'll get you some ibuprofen. Does anything else hurt? Do you feel sick?"

Minho was quiet for a moment before responding, "My throat is starting to get itchy, my body aches, and my eyes feel puffy and heavy."

"Oh baby, today is not a good day. How about you just lay in a warm bath to relive your acheiness? I'll give you some ibuprofen for your head, and then I'll make some chicken soup." Chan suggested, running his finger through the others' hair.

Minho nodded, hugging onto Chans chest as he picked him up. "Honey.. I think I'm gonna throw up." He covered his mouth with both his hands.

"OK, we're almost to the bathroom. Just hold on minute." Chan entered the bathroom setting Minho down in front of the toilet bowl.

Minho gagged for a moment before throwing up in the toilet, holding the sides of it for support. Chans hand ran up and down his back, soothing him gently.

"It's okay, it's okay.. Let it all out, and you'll be fine, I promise." Chan assured, looking at the younger as he coughed and cried.

"All done, love?" Minho nodded, saliva running down his chin. Chan wiped the youngers mouth and teary cheeks.

"Oh, my poor baby. Come here." Chan embraced the other in his arms, listening as he cried.

"I don't feel good at all.. when will it go away." Minho continued crying into Chans chest.

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