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So im pretty sure every stay here knows about the knews about channies room. I'm also very upset about the whole channies room stuff as most stays are too but come on now. Trucks? Also just don't go and blame that one stay when in all reality it was both stays and dives, though this person could have avoided all this blame and fault if they hadn't continued to point fingers. Chan didn't mention any names, stays went into "digging" and pointed out I've for being "disrespectful". Dives had the right to defend their faves,but some had gone way out of line creating this whole argument, which is what usually happens between these fandoms. Even if Chan WAS talking about I've (again never mentioned any names) that's between them. Not us as their "fans". But them, the professionals. And I'm pretty sure if your not Korean or used to Korean traditions, you shouldnt really even have a say in what being disrespectful and respectful is, as showing respect to others differs from place to place. Just by saying "Well I've being a kpop Stan for years and I've watched a ton of kdramas and I know a lot about korea so I know how they show respect." It's still not something that YOURE accustomed to, showing respect in Korea isn't just bowing in respect, it's many different ways than us and me as a hispanic-american. It's not just stays and dives who need to learn to stop pointing fingers, but everybody else, cause everything's getting out of hand. I just felt the need to say this all because it angers me, as a multi-stan, when two Fandoms are arguing and saying this and that about the opposite group/members. Atp I've been a kpop stan for about 6 years and keeping up with this many arguments between FANDOMS is getting tiring and it even gets to the point where I can't even Stan a group without being said to "You're toxic for being a ____". Not everyone of a Fandom is toxic. You just seem to look at and acknowledge the toxic ones. I promise not everyone of us are as toxic and delusional. 😕

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