Losers club break

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Yn pov
Yesterday the losers club broke. I sighed remembering the day the losers club formed.

Flashback kindergarten young yn pov
I just moved to derry it was my first day of kindergarten here. I was born and raised in Italy. I speak a little English but mainly Italian. I walk into school and go to my class. I felt eyes on me. "Hello you must be our new student! Tell us your name and where your from" the teacher Mrs.Myles spoke. "Ciao, mi chiamo yn. I am from Itily" I said. (mi chiamo means my name is) "That is wonderful. Please take a seat in any seat that is not taken dear" she said. I sat in the back of the class by a boy with big glasses. After a little it was recess. I went outside and sat down thinking about fashion and how I can make me shine. Then a boy came up to me, the boy I sat by. "Hi I am Richie! Your new! wanna be friends?" He asked. "Erm sure, I don't speak great English though" I said. "It ok I can help! Your accent is pretty" he said. "Grazie" I said. (Grazie is thank you) he held out his had and helped me up. "Do you want to meet my friends" He asked. I shook my head. "Hey guys! This is yn, yn this is Bill, Eddie, and Stanly I meet them yesterday!" He said. "Ciao!" I waved to them. "You are the new girl!" Eddie said. "From Italy!" Stanly said. "That's c-cool!" Bill spoke. "This is our group!" Richie said. "Losers!" A girl with blond curly hair said. "Losers" I said not knowing what that word meant. To be 100% honest I did not know a lot what Richie said or anyone else. All I know is I have friends. And Richie did say he would help me speak better English. "L-Losers club... we can be the losers c-club!" Bill stated. "Losers club" I said slowly. "Yea!" Richie said exited. So we where the losers club. "Always and forever baby!" Richie said Eddie smiled
End of flash back

I smiled. They did in fact help me speak English. I teared up thinking how Richie said always and forever when now I don't even think there is a losers club. I then heard a knock at my door. I forze hoping it was not my dad. I opened it to see Beverly. I let her in my room. "Yn I wanted to say I am sorry. To be one hundred percent honest I was being a bitch because I was scared and sad and angry! And I want bill to be happy. I really like him. You know?" She said. I smiled. "I know. You guys look cute together. So we cool agin?" I asked. "Definitely" she said hugging me. I hugged back. We laughed and talked a little then she had to go.


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