Bens house

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Yn pov
"Hey guys can we pick up my sister first?" I asked. "Yea" ben spoke and we all went to Tina's house. I knocked on the door and Mrs.Smith answered. "Hey hun you here for angle?" She asked. "Yes" I spoke. "Angle your sisters here to pick you up" Mrs. Smith yelled sweetly. "Yn!" She said hugging me. Mr. smith came to the door. Mrs and Mr Smith have been like my parents. "Hey kiddo how are ya" he asked. "Good! We have to go but I am sure we will see you soon! Bye!" I said. "Bye hun!" Mrs smith said and closed the door. "Stanly!" She yelled and tan towards him. "Hey Angle!" He said laughing hugging her back. "Bill Richie Eddie!!" She yelled and hugged them all. "Who are these to?" She asked pointing to Ben and Bev. "I'm ben" "and I'm Beverly." They spoke. "I'm angle!" She said.

We got on our bikes and headed to Bens house. We finally got there. We walked inside. His house smelled like vinalla and apple pie "How old are you angle?" Ben asked. "Seven" she said. "My younger sister is eight her name is Molly do you two want to hang out while we all hang out?" Ben asked sweetly. "Yea!" She said. We walked up stairs and he showed Angle where his little sister room was and introduced them. I think they will get along.

We walk into Bens room and his walls where filled with history shit. "How dose he sleep at night with all this?" Eddie whispered to me. "It is peaceful to some people" I said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wow!" Richie said "Cool, huh?" Ben asked
"No. No, nothing cool. There's nothing cool." Richie said. "What's that?" stanly asked. "Oh, that? That's the charter for Derry Township." Ben said. "Nerd alert" Richie said. "No actually, it's pretty interesting, Derry started out as a beaver trapping camp." Ben said. "Still is, am I right, boys?" Richie said holding up his hand for a high five.

"Ninety-one people signed the charter that made Derry. But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace." Ben said. "The entire camp?" I asked. "There were rumors of Indians, but no sign of an attack. Everybody just thought it was a plague or something. But it's like one day everybody just woke up and left. The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the Well House." Ben said. "Jeez We can get Derry on Unsolved Mysteries." Richie said. "Let's do that. You're brilliant." Eddie said. I smile at the two.

"Hey yn." I heard Stan whisper to me. "Hello stanny" I said and grabbed his hand squeezed it a little and let go. "Are you um doing anything after we leave here?" He asked. "Not a lot stanny just going to me marking outfits. You should come over and we can talk and hang out while I do that!" I whisper yelled. He laughed a little. "Ok yea sure that sounds fun." He said "Hey B-B-Ben where is the well h-house?" Bill asked. "Erm I don't know, somewhere in Derry i geuss." Ben spoke.

"I have to go my ma will have a aneurysm if I am not home on time!" Eddie spoke leaving. "We should get going to" I said "yea probably see you guys tomorrow." Stan said. I knocked on Bens younger sister Mollys door. She opened it. "Angle time to go" I said. "Aw ok! See ya later Molly!" Angle said hugging Molly. "Ok see ya!" Molly said smiling. We walked out of Bens house. Stanly got on his bike and Me and angle got on mine. We rode to my house talking. We make it and we put our bikes down. It looks like my dad is at work. I open the door. "Ciao mami! Stanly is over by the way" I yell. She got up from the house. "Hey Stanly how are you?" My mami asked. "I am Good how about you?" He asked. "I am doing pretty good! You kids have fun!" She said going back to the couch.

Me and Stanly go to my room. "See ya later stanly!" Angle said going in her own room. Me and stan go in my room. I sit at my desk and he lays on my bed. I started drawing my outfit ideas. "Ok so what do you think about the new kid?" I asked. "He seems nice, interesting to say the least, but we all are" Stanly spoke. "Fair point" I laughed. We laugh and talk for a little. I finish my drawings.

 I finish my drawings

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Here are my outfit scetches!" I said

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Here are my outfit scetches!" I said. "Beautiful!" Stanly said. "I know right!" I said. "I better get going. See you later" he spoke kissing my cheek. He went out my window and on the tree that we use and he went to his window. I walked down stairs and perfect timing my dad comes in.

"Yn!" He said. I mami got up fast and had her arm around me to protect me. He pushed her away from me and knocked her out.

Tw just for this paragraph He took me into the big closet and started to R@pe me. I get him away from me and then she yells "Go fucking kill yourself you useless pice of shit!" He yelled pushing me out of the closet.
End of TW

I tried to walk/run but I could not I crawled to my sisters room and locked her door. She had a scared face on. I grabbed her and held her. Usually we where able to get out because of my room but not in hers. My legs and stomach and so much more hurt but I still pushed stuff against the door. I put her to bed and I stayed up. Then her closet door opened a clown tan towards me I tried to scream but nothing came out. He taped my mouth. He showed me myself but broken not being able to talk cuts all over me and a ugly outfit. I was petrified. I closed my eyes tight and I open them to see evrhthung was fine. I took the tape of my mouth. "So it was real?" I asked myself. I shock it off and went to sleep.


Fashionista (Stanly Uris X yn)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن