"Why?" I asked as curiosity filled me

"It's a long story but basically... She got into a car accident about a few years ago and it was like bad bad, like she went into a coma bad... So her Mom is like walking on eggshells with her and wants her to get checked first when she gets here" she said casually drinking her water while my jaw was on the floor for the information that I just found out

"I'm surprised you didn't know that".... "Oh right you blocked her and her friends from all your social media accounts" She laughed

My face was blank, I couldn't comprehend the fact that she'd got into an accident and I wasn't there, when was this? Is it after I left? A few months after? How stupid of me to not check up on her?

What is wrong with me?

"You'll drive on the way to UGX okay? You have classes there too today right?" I can hear Minah in the background but my thoughts are still filled with questions

I just nodded at her

Maddy's POV

I started the car and on my way to the dance studio, the doctor said everything was good and clear and I didn't have to worry about anything.

Just like what they say every time I go to a doctor, I took pictures of the results and sent it to my Mom so she could sleep peacefully tonight

I went to the dance studio early so I could familiarize myself with the place and practice a bit on my own first

I parked and saw a coffee shop nearby.

I went in and ordered some coffee

I winced as I felt the hot coffee spilled on me 

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" A small girl with red hair almost the same as mine bumped into me 

"It's fine" I smiled at her

I feel like this happened before...

"No I almost got it" She nervously laughed as she tried to remove the stain of the coffee on my shirt with some napkins

"It's really okay... The stain will not be removed no matter how hard you try to wipe it" I chuckled at her

Ah... I remember who I had this kind of interaction with

Okay, Maddy stop... Try to not think about her today, it's been messing up with your head so much now

"I have a sweater on my seat, at least let me lend it to you, I'm not taking no for an answer" She suggested while smiling and I gave up and took her sweater

I went to the bathroom to change really quickly and I closed the door behind me as I got out

"All done?" I almost jumped when I heard her talking beside the bathroom

"Hi... Uhm... Yes... Thank you, your sweater is really nice" I thanked her as we both walked

I grabbed my coffee from the counter

"Hey..." Is she gonna keep on popping out of nowhere today?

"Hey..." I smiled at her

"You're Maddy" She said my name and I looked at her confused 

"I'm Aiki, we spoke over on the phone" She said and I tried my best to remember her 

"Oh my god... You're one of the managers of UGX" I said with wide eyes and I drew out my hand to shake hers which she gladly did

"Yes... I wasn't able to recognize you right away earlier, I can walk you in if you want" She asked and I nodded 

"How long have you been teaching classes?" She asked me as we walked inside the building

Touches or Stares (Bada Lee AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora