Chapter 21

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Maddy's POV

We got out of the kitchen to sight Bada on top of Damon throwing punches at him, Damon can't even fight back with how hard the punches are landing on him causing him a busted lip and a bleeding forehead.

Dad rushed to stop them, I didn't wait for anything and took the chance to leave.

I went inside my car and as soon as the engine roared to life I drove away

I stopped at Santa Monica Beach removed my phone from my pocket got out of the car

I rushed myself to the water to calm my nerves not caring about the world I lowered myself down on the water. 

Everything flooded my brain, Dad hitting me, Bada hearing my Dad talk about her like that, Dad again not supporting us and Damon... Don't even get me started with that asshole.

I didn't want to leave Bada behind but I had a lot on my mind I just thought of leaving the place

I swam a bit and floated on the cold water just staring at the sky filled with stars...

I didn't know tonight was a full moon. 

I kept telling myself that everything will be easier or it will become right, if it's not and it's still hard that just means that it's not the end

After staying in the water for a bit, I climbed on the sand and lay down looking at the sky still, not minding the chills crawling up and down my body I stayed there for I don't know how long before I got up and entered my car. 

I checked the time and it's already 2 AM. 

Mom 12 Missed Calls

Dad 10 Missed Calls 

Damon 14 Missed Calls

I bit my tongue when there are no missed calls from Bada...

I unlocked my phone to check for messages

Bada: I'm at the dorm, if in case you'd wanna rest somewhere you actually can... I'll let you have your own time first

I breathed in and out... After everything that happened today, she could've just removed herself from all this chaos but up until the end she was still thinking about my wellbeing

That's Bada for you all. 

I started my car and headed straight to her dorm. 

I unlocked the door to see bottles of beer on the floor and Bada... lying on the small couch sleeping.

The lights are out so the only light that shines at her face is the moonlight... I still don't get why she calls me moonlight. 

I couldn't help the tears rushing down from my eyes, realizing what had happened last night

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I couldn't help the tears rushing down from my eyes, realizing what had happened last night. 

Placing Bada in that situation, my Mom and Dad, just because I was scared, just because I'm a coward

Touches or Stares (Bada Lee AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin