Chapter 36

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I pulled Jackson to the dance floor and started swaying my hips

It might be the alcohol or it might be the fact that I have always ignored the girls running around Bada, and I ended up getting shot

And that girl clutching on her arm like that earlier somehow boils all the blood in my body

His hand rested on my waist and I kept dancing closing my eyes as the flashing lights started adding up to the dizziness I'm feeling

"I still don't have your name" He whispered to my ears

"It's Eve" I responded, I mean that's still my name but I don't want to give him my real real name

"That's a nice name" He smiled at me, I turned my back on him and kept dancing

I felt his touch loose from my hips but I ignored it and kept dancing

Letting the music take over my body and calm my nerves before I rip someone's head off

I felt his arm around my waist again and I turned around continuing my dance with him

Okay not his arm maybe...

More like Bada's arm

She leaned in to whisper on my ear

"You saw Lusher didn't you?" She said to me

"I don't know what you're talking about" I tried to deny, but Bada knows me

"Yeah, nice try... You're not going to dance on a dance floor with a random guy touching you if you're not pissed off at something" She smirked, does she seriously think this is amusing?

"Ugh, you ruined my mood already I don't want to dance anymore" I said and tried to pull away but before I can go far, her hand caught mine and she pulled me so swiftly against her chest that I didn't even had enough time to catch my breathe as my palms rested on her chest

"Lusher is an old friend, Jackson on the other hand, is a stranger... To you" She said looking at me with a serious tone

"How did you know him?" I asked her ckmpletely confused, I turned my head and saw Jackson at the bar raising a glass at me and giving me a wink

"What's happening?" I asked and Bada just smiled at me

"You know what, I am so not in the mood to play your mind games Bada" I said, walking away and I can feel everything around me spinning

I manage to reach our table and I can see Kirsten laughing with the other girls and I grabbed my bag

"Maddy, where are you going?!" One of them yelled out but I didn't have enough consciousness to respond or tell who it was

I went out of the bar and rummage on my small bag for my keys

Found it!

Hey! My keys!

My keys dangled from Bada's fingers

"You're seriously running my patience thin Maddy" She said sliding her tongue on the side of her mouth as she pressed a button on my keys and made my car unlock

She opened the door

"No" Why did I say that? What do you mean no Maddy? We have to go home and we can't even walk properly anymore

"No?" Bada repeated what I said, questioning me with a tone as if it was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard

"Yeah... N-No" Now I'm even stuttering, on god.

"Maddy..." She walks slowly towards me "Get in the car or I'll pick you up and throw you inside..." She tucked my hair on the side of my ears and her face is just a few inches away from me "And you'll be sorry that you're trying to piss me off when you get sober" She said and her voice somehow feels like there's some kind of spell lingering on it that I instantly followed her after that

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