Chapter 27

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Maddy's POV

I grabbed my water bottle as I heard heartbeat panting after teaching the class, some asked for pictures and all, and I gave my notes and everything 

I sat down and looked at Bada, she had been throwing glares at me and shooting dagger looks at Aiki... She can't be seriously jealous of her, Redlic has been all over her the whole time that she arrived

I didn't know that UGX is kind of like a big dance thingy here in Korea so most of the greatest choreographers worked or work here. 

I still love Bada, I have to admit that to myself but every time I look at her, I feel a huge needle poking my heart, I loved her so much that it caused me so much pain and it's so hard to hate her especially when she acts so kind towards me. 

"You wanna smoke at the rooftop?" I looked up and saw Minah, I smiled and went with her

"I know everything now" Minah started as I leaned on the barricade lighting my cigarette

"What do you mean?" I asked clueless about what she means

"About you and Bada" I was startled by what she said and I shot her a look

"It's okay Maddy... We're friends, right? We can take a pause or stop what we're doing so that you can focus on what you really feel about her, I don't want you getting confused and me being ingredient on clouding your mind even more" She added and I smiled and I leaned my head on her shoulder 

"Are you going to give her another chance?" She asked me and I sucked my teeth

"Should I? She hasn't done anything to make up for the fact that she broke my heart and left me on the curb like I was nothing" I answered her looking far at the buildings scattered around the city

"I know... Well, she's stupid if she doesn't make it up with you, and good luck on hating her" She said chuckling

"What do you mean by that?" I asked her as if what she said was so ridiculous

"It's hard to hate Unnie, like really hard she has that effect on people, which I'm sure you know already" She said smiling at me and I nodded as I agreed with what she just said 

I kissed her forehead

"Thank you Minah, you've been so kind, patient, and everything good and nice to me, I am glad we met" I said to her, and pulled me into a hug

"I'm always here for you okay?" She replied and I buried my face between her shoulder and neck gave hugged her back 

We went back downstairs and I saw Redlic jumping up and down in front of Bada as she pulled her on the sound system and I just rolled my eyes

"Hey... I was looking around for you" Aiki said getting my attention away from Redlic's clingy ass

 The sound boomed through the room as Redlic and Bada got in front and started dancing, I looked at them intently, I have to admit Redlic is a good dancer, it's almost annoying and how bad, synchronized with her every move, I felt my anger raise up to my head

I know it's just a dance but it icks me in so many ways, Bada kept shooting looks at me with a follow-up swallow and she kept adjusting her cap so her eyes wouldn't be seen. I rolled my eyes

"I'm sorry I just did something what's up?" I asked Aiki

 "I was wondering if we could do this dance together, just to show the students?" She said and I looked at the video on her phone

Touches or Stares (Bada Lee AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ