Chapter 5

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Bada's POV

Is she for real? She really doesn't feel that I'm not straight or that I like her or that I'm jealous?

Okay Bada you're not jealous, you're fine, you just don't like Claudie, even her name sounds annoying to me. 

"What do you mean you might date her?" Maddy asked me again clearly annoyed I could tell that she didn't like the idea.

I know that she's straight so her being annoyed with me planning to date Sabrina can't be because she's jealous that would be a stretch, she just probably doesn't like 

"Why? Is she a bad person or something?" I fired a question to her which made her roll her eyes. 

"No... I mean, she's not a bad person okay... I just... Wait... You wanna date her? Does that mean you're... gay?" She asked confusion painted all over her face. 

"Yes, lesbian actually, why?" I smirked... Getting myself ready for the stereotype of every straight people of saying

Oh my god, you're gay?  You don't like me don't you? but I hang out with you all the time blah blah etc. 

"That's cool..." She replied and I looked at her in surprise

"I see why you react to makeup like a kid being forced to eat broccoli" She just casually said putting her makeup on her pouch

That's it? That's her reaction? Am I really not getting anything other than that?

"Oh, and I forgot... You got in the dance group" I was supposed to post this on your door" She mentioned handing me my application that has been accepted written on 

Released by: Madelaine Eve Hernandez

"Your full name is Madelaine Eve?" I teasingly asked her smiling 

"Why do you have a problem, Rowan Bada?" She smiled back knowing what I was doing

"So you mentioned you guys have a performance tomorrow?" I queried her while making coffee for us

"Actually yes... I already brought my costume and placed it on my locker so I wouldn't forget about it" She randomly replied, she kept checking her phone

"So why am I not seeing your boyfriend around?" I asked and I could see her tense up after she heard my question

"Oh... He's in New York" She coldly answered, I could feel she was not comfortable with the question so I dropped the topic right away

"I really like your playlist... There's a lot of relaxing music" She blurted out and I smiled... I mean it's music there are very few people that could have the same music taste as you, but girl in red? kehlani? haley kiyoko? king princess? 

She actually found them... Relaxing

"Yeah I like that playlist as well" I replied to her as I put down the mugs of coffee in front of us

I laid down beside her 

"So what's your story?" She asked me still looking at the ceiling, so I looked at the ceiling as well

"My story? Hmm... If I tell my story you'll tell yours?" I asked her, making sure I'd get something out of this Q&A portion of the night

"Sure whatever" I just smirked, I think it's her throwing around sass is the reason why I'm so drawn to her

"Well I was raised in a small town in Korea, since I was like 2 or 3 my Mom has kept videos of me dancing with every song she played, then in elementary I was already a part of a dance group, or if there are events I always make sure that I'm included... My Mom and Dad have been very supportive of me actually, then we stayed here in the US in Montauk for at least 4 years when I was 10 so I became really good with my English since Dad got a job here, eventually he lost his job and living here became extremely expensive so they decided to go back to Korea, then, yeah I was the dance group leader at our school but my Mom had one last wish and that's for me to go back here and pursue my dreams, do my best and never regret anything at all" I said holding back the tears... 

Touches or Stares (Bada Lee AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz