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Blake's condition was not getting better. No matter what Ruby or the doctors did, it looked like Uka had a vice grip on him. Blake would be fine one moment before going into a medical shutdown. Ruby had already crashed twice due to stress, so neither of them were doing well. Blake stirred slightly as the older boy rested, showing visible signs of exhaustion across his face. The younger boy's eyes opened before they drifted over to Ruby. A soft voice escaped him as misty eyes scanned him.

"Ruby..." Ruby's red eyes fluttered open before he noticed Blake. He smiled as he sat up, lightly gripping his hand.

"Hey..." Blake's mind must've lost grip as he dazed off. Ruby grimaced before rubbing his hand, slightly regaining him. "I'm here..." The smaller boy actually squeezed his hand against the grip, as if trying to hold on and stay awake. It didn't exactly work as he made a soft noise and closed his eyes, causing the shaking to start. Ruby's heart felt heavy as he squeezed his hand, which had loosened its grip. "Stay with me... I'm not leaving-"


Whitley's heart dropped when she got the call. Uka struck again.

She watched in complete silence as Norman was rushed to the hospital. It wasn't fair and she knew it. Her phone rested in her hand as the ambulance sped off. She then called someone as silence returned to the air.

"Hello sir. When is a good time to meet you in your office?"


Sapphire frowned as she arrived at Petalburg Gym. Norman had fallen silent and no one knew what happened. She peered inside before sighing, not seeing anyone. His wife had already claimed that he didn't come home.

"Come on, Norman. Where are you-"

She then paused as she looked around. While she had her weak points with things like technology, she did understand a scene when she saw it. Tire marks showed signs that a few vehicles had been here near the gym and there were plenty of footprints to go around. There was a set of thinner wheel tracks as well, making her pause. Something happened here. She pulled out her phone and called someone.

"Hi. Whitley. You are right now working with the police. Did you guys get something in Petalburg?"


After Whitley gave her the details, she immediately went to the hospital. They had gotten Blake and Norman into the same room, so Ruby was gently resting there. The guards let her in so she could see them. She checked Norman first before kneeling next to Ruby. He woke up to the hand on his shoulder before pausing.

"Saph...?" She rubbed his back, easing his concern.

"Shh... relax... you're tense right now..." He seemed to scan her before he relaxed, letting her rub his back without the tension. "There..." Ruby fell back asleep, so she took the chance to scan the room. Blake was hooked up to a monitor, showing his vitals, which didn't look all too well. Norman wasn't as bad, almost at complete ease. She hummed as Ruby muttered something unconsciously.



She stretched as Emerald caught up with her in Lilycove.


"Have you seen Wally?" She raised an eyebrow as he explained. "I saw Senior Yellow flying in about an hour ago."

"Oh dear-"


Blake stirred again, this time not waking Ruby when he woke. Misty eyes scanned the room, seeing the gym leader with a soft noise. He may not have stayed awake, but he knew what happened.

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