"Should've known she wouldn't do that. She's very stubborn." She laughed, making me laugh too. "I mean, what happened? Other than the obvious public situation,"

I shook my head. "That's not the only reason we separated, but that's not a conversation for right now. Elijah... he hasn't dealt with our separation the best, and it's caused him and Janet to argue a lot, and it's gone too far. On top of all that, Keri's out and threatening all of us. It's too much," I admitted.

The line stayed silent, and I didn't like the silence.

A tear fell down my face hearing all of that.
"I just need your help, please. I'll pay however much you want, just p—"

"Tell me where you are; I'll be there. Free."

An hour later

"A what?" Elijah asked loudly.

"Isn't this what you wanted?"

I just told Elijah that we were going to start therapy, and he's acting like he doesn't want to. He literally suggested to Janet a couple of weeks ago that we should do therapy. Now he doesn't want to.

"Yeah, that was then, when I held on to a last bit of thought that she actually cared about making things right. That's gone. I'm fine now; I don't need no therapist." He answered, walking back into the bedroom.

I stood up with Jayla and walked into the room. He was sitting on his bed, staring ahead, and glanced at me when I walked in. I walked over and sat next to him.

"Elijah," I spoke.

He looked at me.

"You're not okay, and that's okay. It understandable,"

"Yes, I am. I'm fine, for real," he argued.

I looked away and down at Jayla. It's time we really talked. Talk about the past to move forward in the present.

I took a deep breath. "I remember...when me and Janet first separated." I started.

"It wasn't that long ago," he said in a duh tone.

I laughed. "I'm talking about the first time for your information."

"You all separated before?" He asked. "Why I haven't heard about this?"

"There's a lot you don't know about our past E, and it's not a conversation for today...but," I sighed. "I see in you what I saw in her. That's why I know you're not okay." I said truthfully.

He shook his head and stood up. "No,"

"E, you said yourself you're not okay. Let's just give this a chance."

"That was then. I'm fine, and even if I wasn't, I could deal with it on my own. Thinking about it, I don't want to talk to a stranger about my feelings anyway."

He sounds just like Janet.

"That's exactly what your momma said, but the pain got the best of her, and it got really bad really fast. I don't want that to happen to you." I put Jayla down on the bed and stood.

"We're not the same person."

"But you both do the same things. And I know what I see, it's literally deja vu."

He shook his head but didn't respond.

"Just give it a chance; if you don't like it, we'll stop."

"I'm not—" he had realization on his face and sighed. "Whatever, I'll do it."

Just like that?

A smile came across my face as I thought of the positive outcome this could have. All I'm trying to do is think positively, even though it's hard.


He walked away and grabbed his game controller. "I'm only agreeing for you. I can't promise I'm going to say anything to whoever tries to talk to me."

I was appalled at how much this is exactly like the situation with Janet. The way she said the exact same things when I suggested therapy to her.

"Gosh, you're just like your momma. Y'all look and act alike."

He sucked his teeth. "You talk about her all the time like you want her back," he side eyed me, and I scoffed.

"You think you know everything, and you don't. And actually...I talk about her so much because we were together for damn near 20 years. If I choose to talk about her, I will. That doesn't mean I want her back." I answered.

He shrugged and focused his attention on his game. "Okay,"

I sighed and turned to sit on the bed.

Always in my business.

You over everything. (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now