Chapter 4

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When practice was over, Elijah came over to me.

"Where did mom go?" He asked, sitting his helmet on the bleachers.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know...uh, I didn't say anything to make her upset. I just asked if Jayla could stay with me, and she said yes."

He sighed. "She's hurt about you, honestly. I mean, she doesn't know, but I hear her crying at times. That hurts me...for real," he said truthfully.

I nodded and opened my arms to hug him. He hugged me back tightly, and I felt all the pain he felt cast on me. My son...he's hurting.

Ultimately because of my decisions.

My phone rang, and we pulled away from the hug. It was Toni.

I swiped over to answer and put the phone to my ear. "Hello,"

"Take Elijah with you, please."

"What why-"

The phone hung up, and I took it down from my ear.

"Who was it?" he asked, waving his hands around Jaylas face, making her laugh.

I pushed his hands away because they weren't clean and tried to understand why she said that.

"Come with me." I said seriously.

"Did mom leave or-"

"Come on Elijah!"

He picked up his helmet, and I grabbed Jayla's car seat. I didn't mean to yell at him, but every worst possible thing that could've been the reason Toni said this crossed my mind.

We made it over to my car, and I quickly put the car seat in, making sure it was buckled right. My heart beat picked up as I thought of the worst.

I looked down, and she had texted me.

Go to your house. Please don't come check on me.

If my nerves weren't already bad enough, she texted me that. Now I have no choice but to check on her. Not with my kids though, just in case she's not doing well.

I pushed the button to start the car and picked up my phone to call someone to watch the kids.

Denzel lives the closest to me...but I really don't know if he knows how to watch kids, let alone a baby, but I'm going to call him and have him stay there until I can't get someone else there.

I dialed his number, and it rang over the speakers in the car. While I waited for him to pick up, I pulled out of the parking lot.

"Hello," he said in a scratchy voice. It sounded like he was asleep.

"Hi Denzy. I'm sorry if I woke you up, but I need you to come to my house for a little bit and watch the kids. It'll only be until I can get someone else there." I said fairly quickly.

It sounded like he had sat up. "Yeah, alright, I'll be there. Is everything okay?"

"I don't—I don't know, but just please try to get over there quickly. I'll be there in like 5 minutes."

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