Chapter 8

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It's the next morning after everything went down last night, and Elijah hasn't come out to speak to either of us. Janet blew up because of him taking shoes from Keri, but he didn't know any better. We've never told him anything about him because of the severity of it all.

Janet's anger isn't towards Elijah, and I don't know if he knows that or not. I think the reason he's upset with her is because she was trying to do something stupid that would end terribly for everyone. He kept saying she doesn't care, which she does, she just wasn't thinking rationally. Then, when she was trying to leave and he was keeping her back, that just pissed the both of them off.

Janet's gonna have to do something about her short temper and anger, because now it's interfering with the relationship she has with her son.

It's 9 o'clock and I'm waiting to see if Elijah will come out because he hasn't all morning. Eventually he'll have to though.

Just as those thoughts crossed my mind, he walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bar, and headed to the door.

"E, come here," I said.

He paused and reluctantly turned my way.

I waved for him to come to me, and he did.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To Mama K's house." He started walking back to the door.

"I'm not done, Elijah. Come back."

"Mom look can I just go, please. I just need somewhere to relax; things are too tense here."

I sighed and sat down. "I'm sorry...but you can't go. At least not without Joey or someone, because whoever you were with yesterday clearly didn't do shit."

"Why? I'm just going-"

"Come sit." I said, scooting out the chair next to me for him to sit.


"Elijah...sit down,"

He sighed and came over to sit in the chair. I don't think I'm going to tell him what Keri's done, but I'll tell him what he needs to know.

"Look, I know you might be angry at your momma, and for whatever reason might not be the happiest with me, but we're doing these things for your own good."

He scoffed. "For my own good? She was about to go kill a man who hasn't done anything wrong or has, but I didn't know. Y'all don't tell me anything and know you're mad at me for not knowing any better." He laughed and shook his head.

Janet walked out of the room, and when they locked eyes, Elijah got up again to leave.

"Elijah, sit down." I said firmly.

He kept walking away. "Elijah, sit down!"

Again, he didn't.

"He shot me." Janet blurted out, making him stop in his tracks.

Here we go.

She stepped further out of her room and stopped. "Keri...yeah, he shot me....left me in a coma for days."

He turned around with a confused expression. "What?"

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