Chapter 15

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The crowd erupted in cheers as the lights came on for the show.

"Alright J, it's time to go," Gil said.

"Good luck; have fun," I said seriously.

She gave Jayla a kiss on the cheek and looked up at Elijah, who had his head down in his phone. I nudged him, and he looked at me confused.

I cleared my throat and pointed my head to Janet.

"Good luck," he said dryly, looking back down at his phone.

I snatched it out of his hand, and he smacked his lips.

"Thank you guys." Gil and Janet walked away, and she quickly went down to center stage.

I looked over angrily at Elijah.

"What?" He asked.

"Can you please stop the attitude for one night?"

"I don't got no attitude." he shot back. "I said good luck,"

I smiled and put his phone in my back pocket. "Instead of being all on your phone, you're going to watch the concert like the rest of us."

Tommy came and sat chairs down so we could watch her from sidestage.

"Thank you,"

Elijah started to walk away. "Where are you going?" I asked, making him turn to look at me.

"I can't go to the bathroom...?"

I'm skeptical.

"Don't try to pull no slick shit Elijah." I said seriously.

He turned around and walked away.

"You want me to make sure he doesn't go anywhere?" Tommy asked.

I thought about it. "No...he knows better, and if he doesn't, well, that's not going to be a good time for him." I answered.

Music started playing in the arena, and I sat down to make sure Jayla's headphones were on right. The curtains lifted, and Janet stood while the crowd cheered.

I'm excited to see the show she puts on.

25 minutes later

What do you know? It's been almost 30 minutes, and Elijah's not back. I literally knew this would happen, and honestly, he's bold, but this time I'm not sweeping this under the rug.

I really wanted to watch the show, but here we go. It's always something.

"Yeah, uh...he's not in there." Tommy said, walking towards me.

I stood up from my seat and put Jayla on my hip. "Of course he's not,"

"Do you want me to help look for him?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Nope. I already know where he is, but thank you." I walked away from him and made my way to the elevators.

Honestly, this is something I don't tolerate at all. I've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and let him deal with his feelings on his own, but this ain't the way to go. Now he's dug an ever deeper hole for himself, all for what?

You over everything. (Book 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ